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Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 2)

Page 38

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Evie’s heart was beating double-time. She was part nervous about her appearance, but she was also very aware of Bram’s hand squeezing hers. She liked his warm, rough hands. She would like them even more if both she and Bram were naked and back in his cottage.

Stop it, Evie Marie. Just stop it. Right, she wasn’t a teenager. The evening was important for Bram and his clan. She needed to pull herself together.

Still, she couldn’t resist taking a step closer to Bram before she answered, “I don’t know how to act in front of everyone. I don’t want to disrespect your position, but I also don’t think I can sit quietly and smile the whole night. What should I do?”

Bram caressed her cheek again and she resisted leaning in to his touch. “Evie Marshall is asking me how she should act? I never thought I’d see the day.”

She slapped his chest with her free hand. “Stop it. I’m trying to figure out how a clan leader’s mate is supposed to act in front of the clan. Skyhunter’s leader never had a mate while I was assigned to them. When we’re alone, of course I won’t hold back, but I don’t want to embarrass you, let alone myself, tonight. Especially with Lochguard’s leader in attendance. This alliance is important to Stonefire.”

Even in the dim light, she could just make out his eyes flashing to slits and back. Without thinking, she blurted out, “What did your dragon say?”

Bram gave a wry smile. “You sure you want to know?”

She frowned. “Bram Moore-Llewellyn, don’t waste time by making me ask twice. I only ask questions I want to know the answer to.”

He put up his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. My dragon said you are worthy of being a clan leader’s mate. You think of our needs even if it means toning down your feisty personality. Therefore, we should fuck you later until you scream, as a reward.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You sure that’s your dragon talking, or is it your cock?”

Bram laughed and it warmed her heart. He pulled her up against his body and lowered his head until it was a hairbreadth away from her lips. His breath was hot against her skin as he said, “My dragon pretty much controls my cock, lass.” He brushed his lips gently against hers. “And believe me, you haven’t seen anything yet. He’s been holding back.”

The thought of Bram taking her even rougher and harder than earlier, when he’d fucked her from behind, made her shiver. “Well, then tell me how to act so we can survive the night and return to your cottage.” She nuzzled his cheek. “I want your dragon to come out to play with us.”

Her dragonman growled before taking her lips in a demanding kiss and pushing his tongue inside her mouth. After what seemed like only a few strokes, he broke the kiss and she whimpered, “Why are you teasing me? That wasn’t a real kiss.”

Squeezing her tighter against him, he murmured, “I had to stop or I would’ve taken you out here in the cold.”

“So I reckon that means we should head inside soon?” He nodded. “Right, then tell me how to act, Bram.”

“Be yourself. The only thing I ask of you is to not castigate me or Finlay Stewart in front of the clan. Everyone else needs to learn how to hold their own with you.”

“I’m an outsider and human to boot. Not everyone will accept that. If I’m to be myself, I won’t take their shit.”

“Good. I might not have known you long, but my dragon trusts you, which means I do.” He leaned over to her ear and whispered, “With the possible threat to the clan and yourself, I don’t want people thinking you’re an easy target. The more strength you project, the more time they’ll take to plan how to nab or hurt you, which gives us more time to find the threats.”

The fact Bram worried about her did strange things to her heart. For so long, she’d had to exude strength to survive her job. She’d never had someone to lean on, yet she knew implicitly Bram would help her. All she had to do was ask.

After only two days, she was already growing fond of the dragonman who would soon be her mate. Maybe one day, if they continued to be honest and open, she might even grow to love him.

But it wasn’t the time for sentimentalities and dreams of the future. “Okay, I can do that. At some point, though, I need to see a picture of Neil and anyone else connected to him. The DDA doesn’t keep pictures on file, as you know, which means I’m going to have to treat every stranger as a threat. That’s going to make getting to know the clan difficult.”

Bram nodded. “We’ll set that up as soon as possible. For tonight, either Kai or I will watch over you. Don’t leave without either one of us at your side.”

“What about Nikki?”

“She’s working on something for me. And as fond of Melanie and Samira as I am, they won’t be able to stop Neil if he goes after you. Liam should be along later to help, but Tristan is home with the twins.” He squeezed her. “I know you hate having a babysitter, lass, but it’s just for one evening. Can you abide it?”

She smiled. “Since you asked, I think I can manage it. Just make sure to keep me in the loop. If you try to hide information for my safety, I will be pissed. You wanted honesty from me, and I expect the same.”

He gave her a gentle kiss. “I will. I’ll even give you a full brief later.” He released her and put an arm around her waist. “Now, are you ready to take on a dragon clan?”

She straightened her shoulders and raised her chin. “Bring it.”

Bram grinned. “There’s the spirit I love so much.”

He caressed her side with his fingers. Even through the cloak and her dress, his touch was like a brand, sending heat through her body straight to her lady parts.

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