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Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 5)

Page 67

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She smirked. “O’Shea. If you haven’t figured that out already, then you need to go back for more training, Aaron Caruso.”

He kept expecting Killian to say something, but the male remained silent. Aaron’s confusion must have shown on his face because Teagan’s voice filled the room again. “If you’re waiting for my brother to tell me to shut it, you’ll be waiting quite a while.”

Aaron frowned. “Females are free to speak their minds. But usually in a meeting of importance, the clan leader does the talking.”

Teagan leaned forward. “Ah, but you see, the clan leader is speaking.”

“What are you talking about?”

Teagan gestured around. “Welcome to my clan, Aaron Caruso. I hope a female leader won’t change your plans.”

He pointed his forefinger. “You’re Glenlough’s clan leader.”

Teagan tossed her long, dark hair over her shoulder. Aaron’s eyes darted to her bared neck, but quickly caught himself as she answered, “The one and only.” She assessed him a second before adding, “If you even think of challenging me to a contest, stop. I’ve bested every male in my clan. I’m sure an English dragon-shifter wouldn’t stand a chance.”

His beast spoke up. Intriguing. A female leader. I want to know more.

Ignoring his dragon, Aaron growled. “Not that it matters, but I’m half Italian.”

Teagan’s smile widened. “That should make it even easier to defeat you.”

Aaron clenched the fingers of one hand under the table. Maybe someday he would get the chance to challenge Teagan and wipe the smile off her face. For the present, there were more important issues. “Getting back on topic, why did you deceive us? Bram certainly won’t like that.”

Teagan leaned back in her chair. “It’s common practice for Glenlough to have a female leader. However, we’ve learned the hard way that if it’s made public knowledge, our enemies perceive us as vulnerable and attack more often. So, a male is always publicly named as leader. If anyone does attack, it works well because the fake leader named is always one of our best Protectors and is an excellent decoy.”

Aaron’s estimation of Glenlough went up a few notches.

He shot a look to Bennett, but the Stonefire male shrugged. “I was sworn to secrecy.”

Looking back to Teagan, he murmured, “Clever female.”

“I’m clever, Aaron Caruso, but also strategic. If you want to leave Glenlough and share our secret with your clan leader, then convince me you’re here sincerely and why you give a damn about whether we survive a dragon hunter attack or not.”

“How do we know you won’t turn on us? After all, you’ve lied to us once. It’s possible you’ll do it again.”

Killian finally spoke again. “We’ve seen footage of what the dragon hunters and Dragon Knights have done over in England and Scotland. Regardless of the past, we mourn the loss of your clan members. No one wants the same to happen here.”

Aaron studied Killian. His dragon chimed in. I think he’s sincere.

I wish his sister would be more levelheaded.

I know you stared at her neck and lips. Maybe she would be more levelheaded if she wasn’t thinking of us in a different situation with far fewer clothes.

What the bloody hell are you going on about?

I think we should kiss her.

Oh, no. No, no, no. I don’t even want to chance my fate to HER.

His beast sniffed. But she’s interesting.

And that’s the end of that.

The female in question’s voice filled the room. “I’m curious what your dragon is saying to you.”

Meeting Teagan’s moss green eyes, he absolutely refused to admit they were striking. “He was just telling me that Killian seems sincere.”

She raised one thin, dark eyebrow. “And what about me?”

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