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Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 5)

Page 72

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“Way to ruin a nice memory, Rafe,” Nikki replied.

Jane turned toward the hall. “You two can banter later. Kai’s waiting for you and has news you need to hear.”

Rafe gently guided Nikki down the hall. “If you know what it is, then just tell us, Jane.”

“No,” Jane replied with a shake of her head. “Kai’s office is the most soundproofed place in the cottage. You can hear it in there.”

The fact they needed a soundproofed room didn’t ease any of Rafe’s fears.

Nikki squeezed the arm she had wrapped around his waist, reminding him she would stand with him, no matter what happened. Last month, it wouldn’t have mattered. But in the present, Nikki’s reassurance actually eased his worries a fraction.

Between caring for her in dragon form and the news about keeping their child, it was becoming harder to imagine his life without her. Hell, he was already falling for her. If Rafe wasn’t careful, he might actually start spouting romantic crap.

Yet as Nikki leaned her head on his shoulder, he smiled and thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He loved watching Nikki’s eyes light up with happiness or amusement. He wasn’t sure which emotion she’d feel if he tried to be romantic.

Yes, Rafe Hartley, the hardened soldier with an alpha reputation was turning soft because of a certain dragonwoman. And he didn’t mind it at all.

Jane knocked twice on the office door and Rafe was brought back to the present. All thoughts of romancing Nikki and trying not to muck it up would have to wait.

His sister opened the door at a muffled voice. Kai stood at the window but turned his gaze to meet each of theirs in turn. “Shut the door.”

Rafe was tempted to say he was going to do that already. But the quiet, serious expression and tone of Kai’s voice caused the back of his neck to prickle. Kai’s news wasn’t going to be good news.

Shutting the door, Nikki was the first to speak up out of the pair. “Just tell us what’s going on, Kai.”

With a si

gh, Kai turned to face them. “I received some news last night that is relevant to all of us. While it’s not public knowledge yet, Jonathan Christie was selected as the new Director of the Department of Dragon Affairs.”

Rafe narrowed his eyes. “You mean the bastard we’re pretty sure hired that group of former hunters, but can’t yet prove it?”

Jane answered. “Yes, him. Public pressure forced the Prime Minister’s hand. Ever since Christie’s speech, the public has been rallying around Christie and bombarding MPs to pick him in order to save Stonefire.”

Rafe jumped in. “Does no one remember his former public statements? About how the dragons should be grateful to the humans for helping them out? And that if they didn’t like the DDA’s rules, the dragons should just leave Britain?”

“I know,” Kai answered. “But the media has been touting it as a change of heart. Keep in mind, most humans feared us two years ago. They figure if they can change, so can Christie.”

Jane waved toward Rafe. “With him appointed, it means your future is now uncertain, Rafe. I doubt Christie will try to take on the army regarding your posting here, but I bloody well know he won’t change the law to allow you to stay.”

Anger boiled in his stomach. “Then there’s only one thing we can do.”

Nikki frowned. “What’s that?”

Rafe looked down to meet her eyes. “Find concrete proof that Christie is connected to the dragon hunters.”


Nikki had barely digested Kai’s information about the new Director of the DDA when Rafe made his proposal. Kai opened his mouth to say something, but she beat him to it. “And how the bloody hell are we going to do that? The one prisoner who said Christie donated the weapons has since changed his mind. And I doubt the army will give you permission to spy on the DDA Director.”

“I might have some contacts who can help. I also plan to find the hunter who escaped us in the forest last week. Everything the others told us points to him being the mastermind of the attack.” Rafe looked to Kai. “Although if we work together, we’ll probably find him quicker.”

“Since we both want Christie debunked, it’s fine. Although I need to talk with Bram to confirm.”

Jane spoke up. “You conceded that rather easily, Kai.”

Kai shrugged. “Just because your brother is a pain in my arse doesn’t mean I can’t recognize his skills.”

Nikki blinked. Kai quasi-complimenting Rafe on something was strange. Had the world changed that much since she’d been injured?

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