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Winning Skyhunter (Stonefire Dragons Universe 1)

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His beast huffed. He's happily mated, and you have to admit, our sister needs a little levity.

Honoria touched his bicep, garnering his attention. Once he met her gaze, she said, "You two seemed to be talking about something serious. Should I be worried?"

What he wouldn't give to pull Honoria close and kiss the living shit out of her, in front of everyone, so they would know she was his.

Instead, he replied, "Yes, we discussed Aimee. We can talk more later." He motioned toward the mostly segregated Skyhunter bunch on one side, and the Lochguard and Stonefire crowd on the other. "Did you have an idea of how to bring them together?"

"Actually, Bram mentioned something when we were dancing. Apparently, there's an old English dragon-shifter tradition for when several clans get together. It has to do with the first proper dance after the leaders have theirs. Everyone is supposed to dance with a dragon not from their home, or be forced to leave the great hall."

"Um, Ria, most of Skyhunter probably would want to leave."

She put up a hand. "Let me finish. They leave, but then they have to jump in the nearest lake or river before being let back onto the clan's lands."

"I still don't think it'll work. We're trying to get people to stay on Skyhunter, not leave it."

"Oh, come on, Ash. We could change it to those who don't dance will be gathered together and sprayed with a garden hose by a family member. It'll be fun, but also a sort of punishment. After all, England isn't exactly a tropical island and warm all year round."

"How is being wet and cold supposed to be fun, exactly?" he drawled.

She sighed. "Just let me try, okay? We have to do something."

Her hand brushed against his, and a sizzle traveled up his arm. His beast laughed. Are you really going to be able to deny her? Just think, if you give in, she'll probably reward us later.

Making her happy should be enough.

Right, tell yourself that. Meanwhile, I'll be thinking of the best way to claim her as ours and make her scream.

Not wanting to encourage his beast and risk a hard cock, especially given the kilt-like attire with nothing to hide it, he replied, "Okay, try it. But you're going to be in charge of it all."

Her eyes lit up and she clapped. "Yay, this should be fun. And even though I'll be in charge, you should come up onto the dais with me, for support. A united front, and all that."

His dragon said, I know a way we can be united.

I want Ria naked and under us as much as you do, but can you tame it down for an hour or two?

Maybe we should go for a dunk in an icy, cold lake.

That's unhelpful.

His beast huffed. Fine. I'll try to hold back, but I can't make any promises.

Honoria moved toward the dais, and he followed. The night was already interesting. Maybe by the end of it, everyone on Skyhunter would be a little different from the day before, in a good way.

Chapter Thirteen

As the weak sunlight filtered into their kitchen the following morning, Honoria kept glancing at Asher. He wasn't a chatty male by nature, but he was even quieter than before.

Not that she could blame him. While the gathering had been mostly a success—almost everyone had participated in at least the first dance, and only one fight had erupted between two drunk dragonmen from different clans—her male's mind was on something else.

Since they were alone in their cottage, Honoria didn't hesitate to stand, move, and settle herself into Asher's lap. His arms instantly went around her, and she murmured, "I know you want to be there with your sister, but Arabella thinks meeting with Aimee one-on-one is her best chance at getting through to her."

He sighed as he rubbed circles on her lower back. "I know. But if this doesn't work, I'm not sure what else we can do."

Caressing his cheek, she answered, "We'll keep searching until we find something to help her, I promise."

He tightened his hold on her. "You're amazing, Honoria Wakeham. Have I told you I love you today yet?"

The corner of her mouth kicked up. "Only twice. And you know how I like to hear it at least five times."

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