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Curly (Hell's Handlers MC Florida Chapter 1)

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Embarrassed by their police’s apparent inability to conduct a proper investigation, the State of Florida was quick to throw a disgusting amount of money his way to keep him from blabbing to every reporter who came sniffing his way.

Little did they know, the last thing he’d ever do was whine about his unfair treatment to a bunch of nosy strangers. Fuck, the entire event was traumatic enough without having the world weigh in thirteen years later. Still, he had nothing but bitterness and animosity when he’d left prison, so he’d gladly taken the seven-million-dollar settlement.

Now he was a rich man who didn’t want or need a fraction of that money but was spiteful enough to keep it. Maybe hanging on to the cash was more self-preservation than spite. If his past ever repeated itself, if shit ever hit the fan in such a fantastic way again, he’d have the funds to save himself. Whether that meant hiring the best lawyer or fleeing the fucking country with a new identity, he could manage either with plenty to spare. There was a comfort in financial excess.

Plus, after so many years in prison, he was tired. He had no interest in being a lazy piece of crap who refused to work, but knowing he had the fiscal padding to avoid a typical nine-to-five job and still be comfortable gave him a sense of security he’d never experienced.

“It’s not too much,” he said, moving her back so he could look into her eyes. “You know I got a shitload in the wrongful conviction settlement. I only chose this amount because I knew you’d never accept more. Take it, Holly. Take it and make an incredible home with that man up there. All I ask is that you name your first-born Travis.”

A watery laugh bubbled from her before she glanced over her shoulder at LJ, who still stood watching the interaction. Her face lit up as it always did when he was around. “Thank you seems so inadequate,” she said once she faced Curly again. This time her eyes shone with emotion. She clutched the envelope to her chest. “I can’t believe you’re leaving. It won’t be the same around here without you.”

“You and that man of yours better get your asses down to Florida for a visit before long,” he said as a tickle made his throat thicken.

“You’d really want us to visit you?” Her smile made his heart soar in a way he’d never experienced.

He glanced away from the affection she sucked at hiding. Fuck, his chest ached.

Having genuine affection and love for someone wasn’t familiar to him, and he had no idea how to express his feelings to her. She meant more to him than anyone ever had, but he didn’t have the first clue how to tell her. He’d hoped the money would speak for him and they could avoid any awkward or overly emotional goodbye.

“Of course I want you to visit, Holly. You and LJ have become, uh, important to me.” He stared at his feet. Her tender gaze had his skin itching. “You, uh, you feel like family,” He grumbled, staring at the concrete driveway.

Before he knew it, surprisingly strong arms wrapped around his waist while she rested her head on his chest. “I love you, Curly. You’ve become like a father to me. Or a really great older brother. Thank you. We can’t wait to visit.”

Curly’s gaze found LJ’s once again. The big man wore a smile and gave a nod of agreement.

“Love you too, Little Miss.” He gave her an awkward pat on the back. Even after all these months of living with her, her spontaneous bursts of physical contact threw him.

They held each other for a few moments. It seemed like as long as he had Holly’s affection, all the tangled emotions and anger over his past took a back seat to his desire to be a better man. Hopefully, once he landed in his old town, he wouldn’t revert to the man he’d been before the conviction. Bringing a Handlers charter to Florida would ensure a connection to this place where he’d found peace and had begun to shed the intense resentment he’d harbored for years.

“I need to get on the road if I want to get halfway by dark,” he finally said.

“Yeah, I know.” Holly released him and stepped back. Her cheeks were wet with tears, and his T-shirt now had a dark gray spot soaked in. “Sorry,” she said as she pointed to it.

“Five minutes on the road, and it’ll be dry.” He tried for a cheerful smile, but it wasn’t exactly his thing and probably looked like he was constipated instead. After swinging his leg over his bike, he gave one final wave to LJ, then looked back to Holly. “See you soon, Little Miss.”

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