Curly (Hell's Handlers MC Florida Chapter 1) - Page 54

On embarrassingly wobbly legs, she walked down the steps into the three-foot shallow end. Only a body’s length separated them. Normally the warmth of the water would have her relaxing within seconds, but she couldn’t seem to calm her racing heart and mind.

Did he think something would happen between them? Did he want something to happen between them?

Did she want something to happen between them? Did she have what it took to satisfy a man like Curly?

Not according to her husband who’d cheated on her for most of their marriage, blaming her, of course.

Ugh, this was why she steered clear of men. Too many mind games, even if they were all in her own head.

“Want to see my skills?” he asked as he sent a gentle splash her way.

“Your skills?” She arched an eyebrow.

“Yep. Betcha can’t do this.” After shooting her a wink, he dove beneath the water and kicked his legs up into a crooked handstand. When he toppled over after about two seconds, Brooke burst into laughter.

“Those were your skills?” she asked with a smile. “Impressive.”

“Hey! That was just the warmup. You ready for the real thing this time?”

“Bring it on. Can’t be worse than the last one.”

Another surge of water came her way, this time with much more force behind it. The spray left her laughing and sputtering at the same time. Where on earth had this playful side of Curly come from? Though were she honest, she wasn’t often carefree herself unless working with the dogs. They never judged her. Never criticized. Just loved and accepted her as she was, and she did the same for them.

Once again, Curly flipped upside down. This time he managed to hold his balance which gave her a chance to check out his ass in the, yep, those were boxer briefs. Wet ones that clung to him like a second skin.

He began to walk on his hands, turning around and suddenly she was no longer face to face with his muscular ass, but the very impressive outline of his cock. Nothing was hidden as the wet fabric molded to every inch of him.

“Holy shit,” Brooke muttered on an exhale. She squeezed her legs together as an achy emptiness she hadn’t experienced in ages made itself known.

“Boom!” Curly shouted as he surfaced, throwing his arms in the air. “What’d I tell ya? Skills.”

His gaze landed on her face and his goofy grin morphed into something dark and wicked. Oh, God, what did he see in her eyes? Was her desperate need to be touched scrawled all over her face?

Whatever he’d used to tie back his hair failed under the water, and a wild array of wet curls hung down past his chin. Beads of water dotted his sculpted chest and suddenly Brooke was hit with a tremendous thirst only those drops would quench.

One of Curly’s eyebrows took a slow journey upward. “Something catch your eye?” he asked, coming closer to her. The smooth water rippled around him sending small waves through the pool. Beneath the lights, his tanned skin shone, slick and bronzed. He looked feral, predatory, dangerous.


Shit, she was in so far over her head, she didn’t even know how to respond to the flirty comment. “Um, no, I just…I was admiring your tattoos.” Brooke took a step back. Then another. And one more until she hit the side of the pool. She probably sounded like an idiot.

“Is that right?”

That voice rasped over her skin like the light scraping of nails, sending shivers through her despite the warmth of the night.

“Y-yes,” she said, breathless as her heart raced.

He dragged a wet hand across the left side of his chest where the tattoo of angel wings and a halo resided. “Would you like a closer peek? You know, so you can get the full view.”

She nodded.

He kept wading through the water until he stood only inches away. Close enough to touch. Close enough to taste.

Her breath came in rapid bursts, and when his hands landed on her waist, she nearly moaned at the tingly heat.

Without a word, he hoisted her up and set her down on the edge of the pool before settling his hands on her thighs. He pushed them wide enough to step between. “Look your fill.”

This was the most intimate thing she’d done with a man in years. Years. Her breath caught and she felt a little dizzy as his warmth and scent registered. Part of her was terrified of where this would lead, but she was helpless to do anything but let the tide pull her along.

As though commanded by an invisible force, her gaze went to his chest. It was then she realized the halo was actually made up of tiny letters and numbers. She lifted her hand to stroke over the skin but pulled back at the last second.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell’s Handlers MC Florida Chapter Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024