Curly (Hell's Handlers MC Florida Chapter 1) - Page 122

“Listen up,” he boomed through the crowd. “Wanna start off by thanking Copper and every one of you who welcomed me into your home in Tennessee. And I wanna thank you for trusting me to expand your family down to Florida. I promise to do right by all of you. As for the new patches of the Florida chapter, congrats. Can’t fucking wait to see what trouble we can get into together.”

All around the farmhouse, men and women cheered and hollered.

Curly lifted his hand to quiet them once again. “I don’t want to drag this out, so that’s all I’m gonna say. Keep drinking, have fun, and get laid!”

The music kicked up along with whoops and cheers as the crowd went back to drinking and dancing.

He glanced down at the remarkable woman at his side. “Took me forty-six years and multiple trips through hell, but I’m finally where I’m supposed to be.”

Moisture shone in Brooke’s eyes. She cupped his face between her soft hands. “Same for me, baby. And the next time we have to go through hell, we’ll handle it together. Side by side. Hand in hand.”

He kissed her, letting the world fall away as his new family celebrated life all around them.

After living so many years in misery, Curly would never forget the perfection of this moment.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell’s Handlers MC Florida Chapter Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024