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Virgin (Vitali's Legacy)

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Gemma was hard at work when a shadow fell over her.

“I’m busy, Bobby.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” He growled the question in her ear.

“I’m working, Bobby. I’m busy.”

“You need to come with me, and we need to put that plug back in. I’m guessing you took it out. Where is it?”

“I flushed it.”

Bobby’s eyes narrowed a fraction. Gemma felt a bolt of excitement go right to the core of her. This was fun. Bobby thought he’d gotten her where he wanted her, and now he knew that he hadn’t.

Bobby leaned in, lowering his voice so Angelo couldn’t hear him. “You flushed it?”

“Yeah. Stuff that comes out of my butt gets flushed. Maybe it was an accident.”

“Don’t even bother pretending you didn’t do that on purpose. You know how pissed Angelo is going to be if that thing clogs the pipes?”

“I guess you should have thought about that.”

“I should have thought about that? Not you?”

“I don’t think about anything,” Gemma smiled. “Makes my brain hurt.”

“When you’re done here, you’re going to report to me,” Bobby said. “In your room, and we’re going to….”


“Excuse me?”

“I said, no, Bobby.”

Bobby started to snarl and growl and form threats. That was when she played her trump card.

“Angelo!” She called out. “Bobby is stopping me from working!”

“Oh really, you want to play it that way?” Bobby smirked, his expression full of dark humor. He wasn’t truly angry, she figured. They were having a good time playing this game of wills. Or at least, she was.

“Boy, you have work to do as well!” Angelo called out from inside his office.

“You,” Bobby said. “Will keep.”

Gemma spent the day hard at work. Angelo had to keep tabs on several hostile organizations at any one time. That was not easy. There were a lot of remote sites feeding in data, and he had back doors to several secure government feeds as well. She shouldn’t have been surprised to discover that Angelo Vitali was the intel king. How else would he manage to not only evade capture but thrive financially?

She was certain that she only saw part of the machine, but the part she was seeing gave her a deep sense of admiration and even awe for what Angelo had managed to build over the years.

How had they ever managed to sneak up on a man like this? He was like a spider with a thousand eyes. She supposed, ruefully, that they hadn’t really sneaked upon him at all. He’d seen her coming a fucking mile away. Things hadn’t got out of hand until after she, Willow, and Digby were in his possession.

“What do you have for me?”

Gemma looked up, startled, to find Angelo looking over her.

“Nothing right now,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. Nothing is good.” He patted her shoulder. “You’ve had a long day. Take a break. Start again tomorrow.”

“Alright, thank you.”

Bobby practically pounced on her the minute Angelo was gone. Literally. She got up from the desk, and Bobby grabbed her by the back of the neck and marched her to her room. Struggling didn’t do her any good. He was much stronger than she was, and he knew how to use that muscle to subdue a woman.


“Keep your mouth shut,” he growled. “We are dealing with this between ourselves. If you want me to get Angelo in on this, we can. If I have to do that, we’ll both wish I hadn’t because I’ll have to tell him about your lie. He’ll thrash us both.”

“Fine. What do you want?”

Bobby produced another plug from his pocket with a flourish. It was considerably larger than the first plug.

“Not fair! That’s huge!”

“You flushed the smaller one. So we’re left with this one.”

“Bobby, that’s way too big.”

Bobby was dangerously triumphant as he looked down at her under hooded brows. “We can do the plug. Or we can do my cock.”

“What!?” Her eyes opened wide. She could feel them practically popping out of her head.

“Did I stutter?”

“No, of course, you didn’t, but….”

“Wear the plug all day tomorrow, or bend over the bed and have me fuck your disobedient ass.” He made the statement so very calmly and firmly it was as if it was somehow reasonable to be saying it.

“Bobby!” She exclaimed his name as if exclaiming his name might somehow save her.

He wasn’t joking. He wasn’t playing. He had designs on her ass, and she was too fucking embarrassed to deal with it.

“Is there any reason you just want my ass?” She asked the question to attempt to intellectualize the intensely shameful act which already felt inevitable.

“Familiar territory,” he smirked. “I’m more used to men than I am women.”

“So you don’t like vaginas?”

“I like them just fine. But I don’t think you deserve my cock there yet.”

“Oh my god,” Gemma blushed. “What does that even mean?”

“You know what it means,” Bobby said. “It means I’m taking your ass until you’re a good enough girl and earn my cock in your pussy.”

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