The Fire Between High & Lo (Elements 2) - Page 63

“Just thinking about it is tiring.”

“Rumor has it you got your culinary degree while you’ve been in Iowa?” he asked, leading Kellan and I to the bar.

“I did indeed. I didn’t think I could, but…” Alyssa always knew. “But I did it.”

He smiled wide. “Shit. That’s awesome man. Who would’ve thought two fucked up kids like us would’ve made it to college? What can I get you two? Beer? Girly martinis?” Jacob asked, wiping down the bar.

“I’ll have a water,” Kellan said.

I laughed. “Still the wild party animal that I knew you to be, brother. I’ll have a Bud Light,” I told Jacob.

Kellan arched a brow. “I see you’re just as wild and crazy as I am.”

Jacob grabbed the drinks and set them in front of us before he placed his elbows on the countertop. He clasped his fingers together, resting his head on his fists. “So, Iowa, huh? What the hell is there to do in Iowa?”

“Absolutely what you think there would be to do. Nothing. Work, sleep, women, and weed. Wash, rinse, repeat.”

Kellan grimaced at the mention of weed the same way Alyssa did. “Give me a break, Kellan. I’m not using anything else. Just a little pot here and there.”

“I just don’t want you to slip up, that’s all.”

“I haven’t in years. I’m good.” I cleared my throat. “By the way, thanks for helping me with last month’s rent. And the month before that…” My words faded off into a whisper. “And the month before that…” Even though I had a degree, finding a real job had been quite the struggle.

“Anytime,” he smiled, knowing I was changing the subject, but he allowed it. “But let’s make sure we never mention that to Erika, all right?”

Jacob laughed. “That must be weird, Kellan.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Having your balls gripped that tight by a woman.”

I snickered. “I’m surprised that he still has any balls.”

“Fuck you guys. So Erika is a bit of a…” Kellan scrunched up his nose, looking for the right word.

“Control freak?” Jacob offered.

“Pushy?” I said.


“Extremely dramatic?!”


“Belittling?” I joked.

“Stable,” Kellan said, drinking his water. “Erika is stable. She’s everything that keeps me grounded. She’s a handful, yeah, but I would choose her hand to hold any day because she’s strong. She’s my anchor.”

Jacob and I went silent, a bit stunned.

“Wow,” Jacob breathed out a heavy sigh. “That’s just…” His eyes watered up. “That’s just so fucking cheesy.”

I laughed. “The ultimate cheese.”

“It’s like gouda and brie had a baby and Kellan popped out.” Jacob smirked.

“Screw off. I wouldn’t expect two single dumbasses to understand anything about relationships,” Kellan said. “So you like the place?”

Tags: Brittainy C. Cherry Elements Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024