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Firefighter Phoenix (Fire & Rescue Shifters 7)

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Her animal hesitated. It huddled down as though protecting an egg. But he is ours. Our mate.

Yes. Rose stroked her animal, coaxing its black wings open. And we need to put him back where he belongs.

Reluctantly, her swan stepped back, yielding. Carefully, Rose gathered up what her animal had been guarding.

A spark, a mote, nearly lost in the Phoenix’s eternal flame. But to her, it burned brightest of all.

Bending down, she pressed her lips to his.

And breathed Ash’s soul back into his body.

Chapter 25

The Phoenix’s fire streamed out of her, following Ash’s soul like the tail of a comet. She let it go gladly, releasing the borrowed power. No matter how glorious it was, she was comfortable with her own self. She had no desire to be permanently transfigured into something different.

Yet not all the power left. A bright, fiery thread remained, stretching out from her soul. She could feel it, deep in her heart, a bond that would never be broken again.

Underneath her palm, Ash’s chest rose. He drew in a slow, calm breath, as though he’d merely been sleeping. His hand came up to cup the back of her neck, pulling her further down, deepening the kiss.

“He’s alive!” Hayley squawked.

Rose pulled away, laughing, as everyone crowded around them. “All right, all right, get back or he won’t stay alive!”

She flapped her hands, shooing Alpha Team away. Five anxious firefighters were far too many muscles to try to cram into one small space. “The poor man’s been dead, for pity’s sake. Let him catch his breath.”

Hugh elbowed through the crush, kneeling next to Ash. “Don’t move. I need to check you over.”

“I am quite well.” Ash tried to sit up, but was firmly shoved down again by the paramedic. With a slight, wry smile, he submitted to Hugh’s quick, practiced inspection.

“Well.” Hugh sat back on his heels, somehow managing to look simultaneously jubilant and exasperated. “In my professional medical opinion, this man is definitely alive.”

“He doesn’t need your help?” Neridia said, her voice high and tight.

“As I said, I am perfectly fine.” Ash pushed himself up at last, waving away half a dozen outstretched hands. Even the place where his binding had been was just an old, pale scar, completely healed.

“Good.” Neridia paused, catching her breath with an odd, guttural grunt. “In that case…Hugh, could you please help me?”

“Neridia, are you in labor?” Rose exclaimed.

“I…” Neridia swayed, doubling over. John surged to her side, supporting her in his strong arms. “I think…I need…Hugh!”

The paramedic leaped to his feet. “Right. No need to panic,” he said, though his expression did not entirely match his words. “It’s your first baby, we have plenty of time to get you somewhere more comfortable. There’s no danger of anything happening until the contractions are two minutes apart.”

“Hugh,” Neridia gritted out, through clenched teeth. “That was ten minutes ago.”

Hugh’s face went as white as his hair. “Bloody hellfire, woman, why didn’t you say?!”

Caught in the throes of another contraction, Neridia could only shoot him a look. It was, however, a very eloquent one.

“My mate, my heart, all will be well.” A reassuring melody wound around John’s words, filled with harmonics of love and comfort. His face was rigidly calm, but Rose could sense the panic beating against his ribs. “Shield-brother, time grows short. What should we do?”

“Not be here!” Hugh raked both hands through his hair, looking around wildly as though hoping a fully stocked ambulance might drop from the sky. “She can’t have a baby in the middle of this!”

The menagerie was a blasted wasteland around them. Many of the iron cages were twisted and wrecked, melted by fire or acid. Soot swirled through the air. Scattered fires still burned around the edges of the courtyard.

Rose raised her eyebrows at Ash. Catching her meaning, he nodded, then glanced casually around.

The flames winked out, all at once.

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