Firefighter Phoenix (Fire & Rescue Shifters 7) - Page 82

Chapter 27

Neridia sighed in pleasure, relaxing back against a mound of soft white pillows. “Now this is more like it.”

If Rose had thought her own cottage luxurious, the one Scarlet has assigned to Neridia and John was positively palatial. Folded-back French windows lined one wall, allowing the salt-tinged ocean breeze to cool the elegant room. Even with the enormous super king-sized bed, it was still big enough to comfortably fit the entirety of Alpha Team and their mates. Potted flowers bloomed on every surface, surrounding them all in a riot of scent and color.

“You’ve certainly earned it.” Rose handed Neridia a lavish non-alcoholic cocktail, so heavily garnished that it was not so much a drink as a fruit salad. “Here. The bartender helped me make this for you. He’s very talented.”

“All the staff have been so kind.” Neridia took an appreciative sip of the drink. “Well, my baby’s first few hours may not have been auspicious, but at least he’s spending his first night in style.”

“Born in the aftermath of battle,” John rumbled, pride filling his deep voice. “He will be a mighty warrior.”

At the moment, Rose couldn’t imagine the tiny bundle growing up to be a mighty anything. The sleeping newborn looked small as a kitten in John’s vast hands.

The infant’s skin was a rich, deep brown, somewhere between Neridia’s warm ochre and John’s indigo-tinged ebony in hue. His soft bud of a mouth worked in his sleep, dreaming of milk. His thick mop of inky-blue curls gleamed with turquoise highlights.

“Definitely a sea dragon, with that hair,” Hayley commented, peering round John’s other side. “Have you decided on a name yet?”

John said his son’s name. At least, Rose assumed that he had.

“Very pretty,” Hugh said, lounging in the corner with what Rose suspected was a rather more alcoholic cocktail than the one she’d given Neridia. “Please tell me there’s a translation of that. Otherwise we’re all going to have to start carrying around cellos.”

“Sea dragon names relate our deeds and lineage,” John said, beaming proudly down at his son. “He is the Emperor-in-Waiting, Heir to the Pearl Throne, Crown Prince of the Sea.”

The Emperor-in-Waiting, Heir to the Pearl Throne, Crown Prince of the Sea, made a little smacking sound, blowing a bubble.

Griff cocked a wry eyebrow up at John. “Please tell me you aren’t going to put that mouthful on his birth certificate.”

Neridia laughed. “No. He has an air name too. Joseph, for my father, and Finley, for the Master Shark. Joseph Finley Small.”

“Joe.” Rose stroked the baby’s cheek, marveling at the velvety softness. “He’s the most beautiful baby ever.”

Griff cleared his throat. “Didn’t you say that about my wee ones?”

“And my Morwenna?” Dai added, grinning.

“All babies are the most beautiful ever,” Rose said firmly. “Can I hold him?”

Carefully, John transferred the infant into her outstretched arms. She cuddled him to her chest, dropping her head down to breathe in his milky new-baby scent. Wistful longing flooded through her.

If things had been different…if she and Ash had never been parted, or had found their way back to each other sooner…

His hand fell on her shoulder. His deep, quiet regret echoed her own.

She blinked hard, banishing unshed tears. She had so much. She wouldn’t sorrow for those lost years, the children they might have had.

No, her swan agreed. Its neck arched in sly, secret amusement. Gather sticks and feathers instead.

“You know,” Chase said thoughtfully, while she was still puzzling over that one. “I think we need to come up with a new name.”

“Do not listen to this man,” Connie announced to the world in general. She spread a hand over her belly. “He is not allowed to name his own children, let alone anyone else’s.”

“I don’t know why you keep rejecting my suggestions,” Chase said in a wounded tone. “What’s wrong with Cainneach, Cionaodh, and Conchobhar?”

Hugh gazed at the ceiling. “Where do we start?”

Ivy elbowed her mate. “I actually kind of like them. They’re unusual.”

“Spell them,” Connie told her. “I dare you.”

Tags: Zoe Chant Fire & Rescue Shifters Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024