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Firefighter Unicorn (Fire & Rescue Shifters 6)

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She stiffened in sudden alarm. “Oh no. Does that mean we can’t—“

He cut off her words with a passionate kiss, his tongue sliding between her lips. She closed her eyes, surrendering to pleasure.

“We can do anything,” he murmured into her mouth. His hand slid over her breast, making her gasp and press against him. “Everything. My unicorn’s stronger now. That sort of energy won’t hurt it anymore.”

“No more headaches?” she breathed, a

s his fingers teased and caressed.

“No more headaches.” His mouth turned up in a wicked smile. “I think that calls for a celebration, don’t you?”

He ducked his head, kissing along her collarbone. She squirmed in delightful anticipation as he worked his way down to her eager nipple.

“Wait,” she said, another cold thought breaking her out of the moment. “What about Gaze?”

Hugh made a muffled, impatient sound. “What about him?”

From the way Hugh’s rock-hard length was pressing against her thigh, he had far more interesting matters on his mind at the moment. Nonetheless, she tugged at his hair, pulling him up.

“Well, you’re a unicorn again,” she said, worried. “And Gaze is still free to talk. How are we going to hide your secret?”

His expression tightened, brow creasing. He looked away, eyes going distant, as if he was having some internal dialogue with his animal.

“Secrecy didn’t keep me safe,” he said at last. “It just distanced me from people who could have helped, if I’d let them. Maybe…maybe it’s time to stop hiding.”

He flashed a grin at her. “After all, I’ve got a rather powerful mate to watch my back now. Only a fool tries to stand in the way of a wyvern.”

Yes, her wyvern said, pleased and smug. Good mate. Trusts us. We will never let anyone hurt him.

Ivy wasn’t sure she shared her animal’s confidence. “Are you sure, Hugh?”

He kissed her forehead, very gently.

“You were brave enough to let go of your fear,” he said. “Now I need to let go of mine.”



Hugh scowled as Chase enfolded him in a welcoming hug. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?”

“As many times as you want. I’m still going to do it.” Chase released him, turning to Ivy and Hope with a broad grin. “Lovely ladies! Merry Christmas!”

Hugh’s irritation melted away as Chase embraced Ivy without the slightest hint of hesitation. It was probably just a typically exuberant, spontaneous gesture, but Chase couldn’t have picked a better time or place.

The Full Moon pub was packed with celebrating shifters. Rose always relaxed the pub’s ‘adults only’ rule on Christmas Eve. Toddlers tumbled amidst the bar tables on four legs or two, overcome by excited anticipation. Older children were on their best behavior, wide-eyed with the thrill of being allowed into the usually forbidden territory and determined not to do anything that might put them on Santa’s Naughty List at the last minute.

Although word had slowly been getting round the shifter community over the past few weeks that Ivy could now control her venom, Hugh had noticed more than one parent stiffen at their arrival. Chase’s casual acceptance went a long way to soothe the lingering wisps of suspicion.

Chase let go of Ivy, turning back to Hugh. “So, how does it feel to be a National Treasure?”

Hugh grimaced. “Very odd. And if you start calling me that, then I swear to God I will hit you.”

When Hugh had told his parents of his intent to stop hiding his nature, he’d been expecting to be disinherited. He’d at least expected his father to be incandescently angry.

What he hadn’t expected was for his father to use his position as the Earl of Hereford to seek a private audience with the Queen.

Hugh was rather glad not to have been involved in that discussion. But whatever his father had said to the monarch, it had been effective. The Queen had declared the whole Silver family to be National Treasures, under her direct protection. Harming them was now tantamount to stealing from the Queen herself.

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