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One Hot Doctor (Love on Fire)

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“Yes, an affair. I’m an adult, Cora, and this is my chance to enjoy my life. If I want to have an affair, that’s exactly what I’ll do.” She whirls around and marches back to the weight room.

My mother has lost her mind. I hurry back to my office and shut the door behind me. I grab my phone from my desk and call my sister.

“Make it fast; I have a client coming in a few,” Adeline says, sounding breathless.

“Adeline, Mom is contemplating having an affair with one of my clients,” I tell her.

To my surprise, Adeline giggles. “No, she’s not,” she finally says. “She and I had a long lunch yesterday and had a heart-to-heart.”

I swallow the usual feelings of exclusion I’ve felt all my life when it comes to Adeline and our mom. They have a special bond that goes beyond mother and daughter. They are friends, and they’ve always been. I remember how they always huddled together when I was growing up, whispering and laughing together. When I joined them, they always clammed up, making me feel like an outsider. I used to tell myself that when I was older, Mom and I would become close too. It never happened and now hearing Adeline talk about her cozy lunch with Mom resurrects my old resentments.

“I’m glad you called. We are having a small anniversary party for John Mathew’s parents, and I’d like you and Thomas to attend.”

“I’ll ask him,” I respond automatically; my mind is still on my mom. If Adeline says I should not worry, I shouldn’t. She knows our mom better than anyone.

“Good. It’s this coming weekend.” She disconnects the call.


It’s only been few hours since I last saw Thomas, but it feels like days. It’s crazy, but I’ve missed him. A voice pops up in my head chastising me, but I shut it down by reminding myself that Thomas is my baby’s dad. I’m allowed to miss him.

I drive to his clinic and spot him waiting outside the building. My heart skips a beat in an involuntary response. I swing the car into the parking space, and he comes bounding over.

He enters the car, and a sexy, masculine scent fills the air. He leans across the gearbox and kisses me on the mouth. I part my lips when his touch mine, and what was supposed to be a light peck turns into a deep kiss. Our tongues tangle together, and his hand slips along my jaw, holding me in place. My body comes alive, and I groan into his mouth. My nipples harden and ache to be touched. Desire hums in my veins. Thomas tastes so good. Everything about him, from his scent to the feel of his lips against mine, reeks of masculinity. I imagine how hard his cock is, and I groan louder into his mouth.

After what seems like mere seconds, Thomas draws back, his fast breath matching mine. He glances down at his crotch, and my gaze follows his. I inhale sharply at the tent that is in front of his pants.

“See what you do to me? It’s so tempting to take you right here in the car.”

His words ignite a fresh fire in me. My thighs tremble, and I wish that he would take me right here in the car. I grin at him and start the engine. Every nerve ending in my body is humming, and the blood in my veins is singing.

I can’t remember the last time I felt as happy as I do and for no reason. Maybe it’s the weather, I tell myself. It’s warm, and there’s a soft breeze keeping the air cool.

“How was work?” I ask Thomas when my brain starts to work properly.

He has a nice voice that I could listen to all day. He tells me about the patients he saw that morning, one being a couple that has been trying unsuccessfully to have a baby for years.

“How many couples have you helped over the last three years?” I ask him.

“Too many to count,” Thomas says.

A thought crosses my mind. “Can I ask you something? Am I the first woman to come to the clinic alone?”

“Of course not,” Thomas says, and relief surges through me.

I’d hate him to see me as a loser. I shouldn’t care, though. Thomas and I are just two adults enjoying each other’s bodies.

“We’re here,” I announce as I park the car.

Dr. Phillips’ office is on the third floor, and we take the elevator up. At the reception, I fill out forms with my personal details and hand them back to the lady at the desk.

My name is called, and Thomas and I follow the receptionist down a hallway. She opens a door at the end of it, and Thomas follows me in. Dr. Philips is a lot younger than I expected.

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