One Hot Doctor (Love on Fire) - Page 43

He leans forward to whisper into my ear. “How about we skip that swim?”

I laugh and push him away. “Nice try but heck no. The ocean is waiting.” I glance down at the bulge in his shorts and give it a pat. “Later, I promise.”

In the bathroom, I grab the sarong and slip into it. Thomas and I leave the room. Our plan is to spend the afternoon on the beach. Thomas carries a bag that has everything we need.

We’re lucky to snag two beach loungers and drape our towels over them. I can’t keep my gaze off the water, and I can’t wait to immerse myself in the ocean. I feel as excited as a kid, and I quickly shrug off my sarong and throw it on the lounger.

That’s when I notice a group of guys seated on beach chairs near us. There are five of them ogling me, and not even trying to hide it. I notice Thomas scowling at them. It’s annoying, but the best thing is always to ignore it.

“Hey, relax,” I tell him.

“I hope I’ve never behaved like that in front of a beautiful, sexy woman,” he says.

I laugh. “I bet you’ve stared; most men have. I got used to it.” The skimpy bikini doesn’t help, but this has always happened. “I got curves earlier than most girls, so you can imagine what school was like.”

“I can just imagine teenage boys ogling after you, the little bastards,” Thomas says darkly.

I laugh. “It was a long time ago.” I grab Thomas’s hand. “Race you to the water.”

“You are not racing in that,” he says.

His jealousy is funny but misplaced. He owns my body and heart, and it doesn’t matter who looks or whistles. He walks behind me to block the view of my almost bare ass from the guys.

I gasp when my toes dip into the water. It’s cool at first touch, but as we wade deeper, it becomes warmer. We stop when the water is shoulder-deep. Thomas splashes salty water on my face.

“Oh no, you didn’t!”

I go after him, and for the next ten or so minutes, we frolic in the water. It’s the most fun I’ve had in years. We hide from each other underwater. At one point, Thomas disappears, and the next thing I feel is a crawly going up my leg. I shriek and swim away. Thomas resurfaces and laughs his ass off.

It’s nice to see him like this. Relaxed and laughing with seemingly no care in the world. We wade back to the beach and then flop down on the beach loungers. I’m glad the group of guys has left. I don’t want anything to spoil the special afternoon.

The other people near us are a couple, and they’re definitely lost in their own world. We bask in the sun, sip on the water the resort provided us with and chat.

“I could stay here forever,” I say with a sigh.

“It would get old very fast,” Thomas says. “You’d miss your business and friends and family.”

“I guess you’re right,” I tell him. “But I’m loving the fantasy. Don’t spoil it for me.”

He laughs, then grows solemn. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Suddenly, my breathing escalates. Anytime Thomas grows serious, I worry, and I’m not sure of what exactly.

“Do you sometimes wish that you got pregnant through a sperm donor instead of with me?”

All air leaves my lungs at the unexpected question. I weigh between giving him an honest answer and being vague. I opt for the truth. “I’m glad it was you. Before I got pregnant, I worried about using a sperm donor, especially stuff like what will I tell my baby?”

He nods but doesn’t respond.


“Am I glad I didn’t use a sperm donor?”

I make a face. “You’re a regular comedian, aren’t you? I’m serious.”

He’s quiet for several seconds. “I’ve never wanted a baby, and at first, I didn’t want to accept that in a few months, I would be a dad.”

His words hurt, but I am glad that he’s been honest. Besides, I know that he and Tessa wanted a baby, so of course, he wouldn’t be too thrilled about a surprise pregnancy. “And now?”

“It’s growing on me,” Thomas says.

It’s not exactly the answer I want to hear, but it’s honest.

Chapter 18


It’s almost noon on Sunday, and we’re driving back home. I wish Cora and I had more time to stay at the resort. I feel as if I know her a little better after spending two days with her.

She’s the one driving. I paid a little fee to have someone from the resort drive my car back to LA. Cora sings off-tune to the song playing on the radio. Forty-five minutes into our journey, we stop at a farmhouse café for an early lunch. We opt for an outdoor table overlooking the farm. On the hills, we see a dozen or so cows grazing peacefully on the grass.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024