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One Hot Doctor (Love on Fire)

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These guys sacrifice so much for us that it breaks my heart when I hear they’ve been hurt and are fighting for their lives.

I drain my coffee, toss the plastic cup into the trash can, and return to Cora’s room.

“We’re so grateful, Thomas,” Cora’s mom says, coming to take my hands into hers. “I know she’ll be comfortable with you.” She winks. “Maybe even you two might decide that marriage is not so outdated after all.”


She shrugs. “I’m just saying that anything can happen when two people are living together.”

“I’m sure it won’t be for more than a few weeks,” Cora says.

I move close to her bed while debating whether to tell her the real magnitude of the damage. I decide it’s better that it comes from me rather than from the media.

“I’m afraid it’s going to be a lot longer than that,” I tell her gently. “I was watching the news in the café. They are saying months.”

A stricken look comes over Cora’s features. I can’t guess what she’s thinking, but whatever it is, it’s definitely not good.

“It’s okay,” I tell her.

“What about my gym?” Her eyes fill up.

“Come on, Cora, what matters is that everyone’s fine. Right, Thomas?” Adeline says.

“Yes, of course.”

Cora looks so sad that I can’t tell her about the two policemen fighting for their lives in this very hospital. She’s had enough bad news for one day. We all stay until everyone is kicked out by the nurse. I stay behind for a few minutes after everyone goes, one of the perks of being a doctor.

“Hey.” I move to the head of the bed and cup Cora’s face. “Don’t look so sad. It could have been a lot worse. The structure of the building is sound, and in no time, they’ll finish with the repairs.”

She sniffs. “Please don’t think I’m ungrateful because I am. It’s just that I feel as if a rug has been pulled from under my feet. In the space of one night, I’ve got no home and no business.”

My chest squeezes at the sadness in her voice. My caveman instincts emerge, and all I want is to take her home with me and take care of her. I swallow them down, knowing that it’s not what Cora needs.

She’s one of the most independent women I know, and her feelings of loss are very understandable. She’s put her sweat and blood into her business, and now it’s threatened. It doesn’t help that she lives in the same building and has lost a business and a home.

“It doesn’t seem like it now, but I promise everything is going to be okay,” I tell her.

She stares at me. “I have to look for an apartment. I can’t be in your space for three months.”

“Hush. Of course, you can. Are you forgetting how big my house is? If you like, we can each have a floor to ourselves. Please don’t give it another thought. Promise?”

She manages a smile. “Okay. Thanks so much, Thomas. As you can imagine, living with my mother or Adeline would have been a real trial in patience, which I’d have failed miserably.”

I laugh, glad that her sense of humor is returning.

By the time I’m leaving, she looks settled and sleepy. I kiss her forehead and tuck her in. I pause at the door, and she flashes me a very tired smile. I’m sure that by the time I close the door, she’s completely asleep.

It’s five o’clock in the morning when I get back home, and I’m too wound up to sleep. I embark on a cleaning exercise. I vacuum the whole house, although it’s fairly clean as I have hired a cleaning company that comes in once a week.

Upstairs, I’m not sure which room to get ready for Cora. I would love to have her in my bedroom and share a bed with her every night. I love waking up to her soft, warm body and making love to her at night. It’s so tempting, but I can’t be led by my libido. Cora has gone through hell in the last twenty-four hours, and the last thing she needs is a horny housemate.

I make a snap decision and enter the bedroom opposite mine, making the bed with fresh sheets and a comforter. The ensuite bathroom is clean, and there are clean towels and soap.

To my absolute shame, I start to visualize Cora in the shower cubicle, and I immediately grow hard.

Disgusted with myself, I go to my room and undress. Cora and I agreed that she would text me as soon as she’s discharged. I’m sure that it’s going to be a few hours from now. I slip into bed and try to empty my mind enough to catch a few hours of sleep.

Chapter 29


I feel like I’ve been in hospital for a week. In reality, it’s been two nights and two long days. Dr. Phillips insisted that I stay another day just to be sure that everything is okay with the baby.

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