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Out in Spring (Out in College 6)

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“You okay, man?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I gave a weak smile as I stepped aside and tugged at the wet fabric sticking to my chest. “And uh…I should probably change my shirt. I’m gonna get going. Can you get a ride home?”

“Um, I’m sure someone will take me.” Kendra flashed a wide grin. She sidled close to me and whispered, “Good thinking. Thanks, Ned.”

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I hadn’t actually choked for her sake. Or fully recovered either. The last thing I needed was for The Sexiest Man Alive to return while I swiped the tears still running down my cheeks. Nope. It was time to get the hell out.

I set the water bottle on the counter, then waved at Kendra and her friends before pushing through the mass of drunken partygoers. I made it to the foyer, pausing to let a couple of pretty girls in tight skirts and halter tops pass me. Did I notice that their attire seemed a bit skimpy for late January? Sure. But I kept my mouth shut and didn’t complain when they blocked my path to greet someone behind me.

“Oh, Logan. Hi.”

I turned around because yeah, I was curious. And sure enough, it was him—The Sexiest Man Alive. Aka Logan.

Logan smiled at an attractive blonde as he handed me a water bottle. “Hi, Kelly. I gotta run. My friend is having an asthma attack. It’s life or death. See ya.”

He crooked his arm through mine and dragged me outside. I was too dumbfounded to argue. I followed him down the pathway, shaking him off when we reached the sidewalk.

“What are you doing?” I asked in between coughs.

“I’m trying to escape, and I need your help. My truck is this way.” He tugged at my sleeve and strode purposefully toward a black Tahoe. “Hop in and take off your shirt. I’ll grab a clean tee for you. I think there’s one in my duffle bag.”

I ignored his bossy command and glared at him with one hand on my hip as he opened the hatch door. “What the hell?”

He rummaged through the bag without looking up at me. “Please. I owe you one.”

“You don’t owe me anything. I don’t know you and—”

“I’m Logan,” he intercepted, turning suddenly as he shoved a T-shirt at me. “Put this on. There’s nothing worse than wearing sticky soda, am I right?”

“Uh…right. I’m Ned.”

“I know. Come on. This way.” He slammed the hatch shut. Then he opened the passenger-side door, darted around the front of the SUV, and hopped inside.

I fingered the fabric as I glanced over my shoulder at the house. Music and laughter spilled onto the front lawn, and a few latecomers called a greeting to a shadowy figure waiting near the door. Whoever it was must be the reason for his abrupt departure. Not my business. This wasn’t my scene, and these weren’t my friends. Sure, I was curious, but my car was parked half a block away. I could be home in ten minutes, take a quick shower, and tackle the last section of my bio-med homework before bed.

Or…I could climb into a sexy stranger’s truck and find out what the hell he was up to.

I headed for the truck and peered inside the semi-dark interior. “Look, I don’t know if—”

“Get in, Ned,” he growled in a commanding tone that went straight to my cock. Not kidding. His voice was deep and low and sexy as fuck.

I slid into the passenger seat and closed the door. A second later, he revved the engine to life and peeled away from the curb. I scrambled to fasten my seat belt as he drove like a madman through the residential area.

Okay, fine. He was going thirty in a twenty-five-mile zone, but still…

“Slow down! Better yet, pull over. Or are you kidnapping me?”

Logan barked a laugh. “No. I promise I’ll turn around in a few minutes. I just needed to get away from the crazy. It’s fuckin’ suffocating sometimes, you know what I mean?”

“No, I don’t know what you mean,” I huffed. “Who are you trying to get away from?”

“My ex-girlfriend.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“Nothing. Kelly is cool. It’s just…complicated.” Logan stopped at a red light and sighed as he raked his fingers through his hair in agitation. “I’m sorry. I panicked. I heard you say you were leaving right after someone told me she was on her way inside and—fuck, I shouldn’t have come at all.”

I studied his profile for a long moment, noting the firm set of his jaw and the thick biceps stretching the fabric of his T-shirt. And Christ, look at that ink. I swallowed hard and shifted in my seat to relieve my suddenly interested cock. Not good. I gazed out the window to get my bearings. If he let me out here, I could walk back to my car and put an end to the weirdness for both of us.

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