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Starting From Here (Starting from 3)

Page 68

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“To give…on my stomach in bed. Easier on the knees and…you can grind on the mattress while you work. To receive? Anywhere, any time, any position.”

“Good answer.”

“How about you?”

“On my knees,” he replied, chomping on a chip.

My dick pulsed against my zipper. “You do like that.”

“Yeah, I especially like it when you get really into it and grab my hair. It’s hot.”

I stared at his mouth for a long moment. “Are you trying to make me come in my jeans?”

Dec chuckled. “When was the last time you did that?”

“I was sixteen, I think. I was fooling around with a band geek in high school and…let’s just say, that was embarrassing,” I groused, flipping magazine pages.

“Poor T. The teenage years are like a never-ending parade of embarrassment. If it’s not insta-wood, it’s a no-hands cum explosion in your pants. Fun times.”

I threw back my head and laughed. “No-hands cum explosion? For real? I’ve never had a no-hands experience.”

Dec’s roguish grin was laced with all kinds of naughty. “It only happened once to me, but I liked it. A lot.”

I swallowed hard and tore my gaze from his handsome face. “We need to stop talking.”

His low rumbly chuckle moved through me like a strong cocktail. “Fine. What’s the next article about?”

“Twenty questions to ask your crush,” I read.

“Keep going,” Dec prodded, brushing his hands off.

“Okay…” I scanned a few questions and frowned. “These are kinda personal. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“I can handle it.”

“When was your last relationship?”

“Um…it was six years ago.”

I waited for him to continue. When he didn’t, I nudged his knee. “Keep going. Guy or girl? What happened? Who broke up with whom?”

“Gee, that’s kinda personal,” he teased, munching on a chip.

“Okay. What kind of M&M’s do you like best?”

“Peanut, of course.” Dec snorted. “But don’t give up that easy. Uh, let’s see…her name was Kate. My mom set us up. It was a blind date for a real estate function. My stepbrothers both met their wives at these things. Mom was hoping it would work for me too, which made me think it was going to be awful. It wasn’t. We were together for a year.”

“Why’d you break up?”

“She wanted to get married, and I was about to join a new band. It wasn’t a fun conversation. One minute we were watching Project Runway and eating Chinese takeout on the sofa and the next…we were over.” He furrowed his brow and sighed. “It was a surreal unravel. I think the episode was about designing a wedding dress. She asked how big a wedding I’d want someday, and I told her I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to get married. She thought I was kidding and…I guess I could have let it go, but it seemed unfair not to be honest.”

“So you broke up with her?”

“We mutually agreed we weren’t going in the same direction. It was sad, but it would have been more sad to be with the wrong person,” he said sagely.

“True. How come I didn’t know about her?”

“We weren’t really talking six years ago.”


“What about you? Who was your last boyfriend?” Dec asked.


He tried but didn’t quite keep the scowl from his face. “Oh, yeah. What happened?”

I shrugged. “We just didn’t fit. Sean is older and commanding, and he’s used to getting his way. It’s a good trait to have in business, but I didn’t like my boyfriend telling me how to manage my career. He thought I should open my own gym and treat the drums as a hobby. And he hated my friends…especially Justin. After a while, the thrill of being the boss’s boyfriend wore off, and I started feeling like I was one of his kids. Not sexy at all. But we’re still friends.”

“Are you still…”

“Fuck-buddies? No.” I frowned. “You’re not seeing anyone else right now, are you? I’m not being possessive or anything. This is already complicated and I—”

“Stop.” He put a salty finger against my lips. “I haven’t been with anyone else either. As long as we’re doing this, we should keep it that way.”


“Good.” Dec smiled, then rolled the chip bag and put it in his tote along with other goodies I’d dumped out earlier. He set the bag on the floor and picked up his guitar, propping it on his lap. “So, tell me about the guy who made you come in your pants when you were sixteen. Was he your first boyfriend?”

“Maybe? But not technically. We didn’t talk about it. No labels. No one really knew.”

He cocked his head curiously. “I thought you came out when you were fifteen.”

“I did. But you know how it is…it’s a process. I told my parents and my sisters and had a couple of exploratory encounters on the DL, but the guys I was with were in the closet. We were in high school, for fuck’s sake. You want to be accepted for who you are, and half the time, you don’t know who that is yet. Music helped get me through the uncomfortable parts.”

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