Loved by Liam (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 3) - Page 61

Paige laughed as she sat beside me, sliding a plate of toasted bagels on the table. “If it were an Olympic sport, she’d get a gold medal.”

She did love to sleep—always had. As she was still a teenager, it seemed to be her favorite thing. That and hanging with her friends on the beach. But she was a good kid, did well in school, and still loved to spend time with us once in a while. I was good with that.

None of the girls had ever given us any trouble.

Our sons made up for it.

Paige touched my face, bringing me back from my musings.

“The boys will be fine.”

I smiled and captured her hand, holding it to my face. She always knew what I was thinking.

“Reid will keep them busy,” I agreed. “Dad had given him a heads-up, and I think he had some plans.”

She nodded. “I’m sure he does.”

Eight years later, I watched my boys walk across the stage and accept their diplomas. Tall, handsome, and broad, they stood head and shoulders above most of their classmates. They were easier to tell apart these days. AJ wore his hair longer and liked pants and polo shirts. Brock kept his hair short and was constantly in jeans and T-shirts.

They’d changed after a summer of Reid’s tutelage. They were still a handful, but they were focused—at least as focused as nine-year-olds could be. The boys were still mischievous, and I was certain a lot of the pranks at school could be traced back to them, but they were better at not getting caught. They kept me on my toes, and I had to admit, they kept me laughing. Ronan got them into working out as well, which helped channel some of their restless energy.

They were planning on opening up their own company. No university for them. Reid was behind them, saying they had surpassed him in their expertise with computers. AJ could write programs that boggled my mind. Brock could build a computer that made my head spin with its capabilities. I could only imagine their future.

I slipped my arm around Paige and tucked her close. Beside her, our daughters watched their younger brothers with wide grins. My parents beamed with pleasure.

The boys had grown and matured, and I couldn’t be prouder.

Brock and AJ stood tall, both wearing the same shit-eating grin as they looked over the crowd. The back of my neck tingled, recognizing those matching troublemaking expressions. I met my dad’s gaze over the girls’ heads, both of us knowing something was up. I noticed AJ slip his hand inside his robe, and then it happened.

Fireworks began in the open field behind us, the sudden booms startling everyone in the crowd. Everyone except the boys. They grinned and laughed, high-fiving each other, then disappearing behind the rest of the students. The crowd watched the short display, and even the principal smiled, although he tried to fight it. It was a cloudy day, even the weather cooperating to make the bright lights more visible.

My dad howled in amusement. The girls and Mom chuckled. Paige dropped her head, trying not to show her amusement.

I couldn’t contain my laughter. One last prank.

That was my boys.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024