The Doctor's Undoing (Doctors in Training 3)
Page 28
Haley, of course, had volunteered to help with the party. It wasn’t a surprise affair, but Haley wanted to make sure Mia didn’t have to go to any extra effort for her own birthday. Though Connor said he had everything under control, he’d asked Haley to meet with him briefly the Wednesday afternoon prior to the event to go over his list and make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything, just as a precaution. He’d told her to bring R
on along so the three of them could chat a little before the party, where he would be too busy hosting to have much time for catching up.
Connor was waiting at the coffee shop when they arrived. Seated at a small table with three chairs, he sipped from a steaming cup as he made notes on a pad in front of him. He looked up with a smile when they walked in. Standing, he brushed a light kiss over Haley’s cheek and shook Ron’s hand.
Ron watched Haley and Connor while he placed an order for Haley’s latte and his espresso. Connor had obviously spoken literally when he’d referred to his list. Haley had her head bent over the pad of notes and was involved in a spirited discussion with their friend. Ron figured there would be no details overlooked by the time Haley and Connor were finished today.
They were talking about food for the party when he carried the two steaming drinks to the table, setting Haley’s latte in front of her. She looked up with a slightly distracted smile. “Thanks, Ron.”
Immediately turning her attention back to Connor, she said, “I’ll bring enough of the broccoli slaw for twenty people. That should be plenty.”
“You’re sure it’s not too much trouble?”
“I wouldn’t have volunteered if it were too much trouble.”
Connor smiled at her. “I really do appreciate it. Mia loves your slaw.”
“You’re sure there’s nothing I can bring?” Ron asked. “I really wouldn’t mind picking up some drinks or something.”
“All taken care of,” Connor assured him gratefully. “But thanks.”
“I’m still amazed that everyone’s free that afternoon,” Haley commented after taking a cautious sip of her beverage. “It’s pretty much a miracle these days.”
“No kidding. With the five of us on different rotations, it’s hard to be sure when anyone has the same Saturday off. Not to mention my own crazy schedule right now, with me in ob-gyn and Mia buried up to her neck in classes and assignments, and Alexis enrolled in after-school dance classes and soccer—let’s just say things are sort of hectic at the Hayes house these days.”
“And what’s new about that?” Ron teased.
Connor’s home life had been complicated for as long as Ron had known him. Before his first semester of med school was half over, Connor had learned he was fully responsible for a six-year-old daughter whose existence had been a secret to him until that time. Then he’d realized he was falling in love with Mia, who’d moved in to help him with Alexis. Connor had known Mia for several years as a friend and coworker before he’d realized his feelings for her were more than platonic.
That thought made Ron glance at Haley, who was already going over the list one more time with Connor.
Finally reassured everything was on track, Connor folded the list and stuck it into his computer bag. “You know you’re both welcome to bring guests, if you like. There will be plenty of food for everyone.”
Ron shook his head. “Haley and I will come together.”
Haley shot him a look and he almost winced. She didn’t have to say a word to let him know she wasn’t pleased he’d made that decision without consulting her first.
As if sensing an undercurrent between them, Connor looked quickly from Haley to Ron. His only response was a nod, and then a change of subject when he asked how their weeks were going in the general peds wards.
Hoping he hadn’t just set their progress back a step, Ron made an extra effort to be amusing during the remainder of his and Haley’s short visit with Connor. He was rewarded with smiles and a couple of laughs from her. He was even ridiculously pleased when one of his outrageous comments elicited a punch on his arm, proving he really was pathetic when it came to Haley.
Taking it slow, he reminded himself. But still taking it forward. That was all he could ask, for now.
Chapter Six
No one seemed to find it odd that Haley and Ron arrived at the birthday party together. Nor that they’d gone in together on a birthday gift for Mia. That had been Ron’s idea. Saying he had no clue what to get on his own, he’d convinced Haley they could get something nicer if they pooled their money—and if she made the selection. She’d purchased a very pretty scarf and signed her name and Ron’s on a casually humorously birthday card. Everyone knew she and Ron were on the same rotation and were spending time together on the wards, so she figured no one would read too much into them carpooling and gift-pooling.
Though she and Ron were now spending quite a bit of time together out of the hospital, too, she wasn’t quite ready to announce that they were seeing each other as more than study buddies.
They weren’t rushing into anything. The full extent of their relationship at this point was having dinner together and studying together after work. There had been a few more kisses. Carefully controlled, but each a little more heated than the last. She thought Ron was trying to be careful not to move too fast, not to derail this…whatever it was…before it started. She didn’t think he was deliberately trying to whet her appetite, or to leave her frustrated and impatient for more. But if that had been his intention, he’d have achieved exactly what he’d hoped.
She could hardly look at Ron now without remembering how it felt to be close to him. How warm and solid he felt pressed against her. She found herself daydreaming at odd times about the spicy scent of his aftershave. The springy feel of his thick hair wrapped around her fingers. The way his lips were both firm and soft when they moved against hers. And she spent entirely too much of her free time wondering when—or if—they would progress beyond kisses. Imagining what it would be like when they did.
Maybe that was what he hoped to accomplish, after all.
They were noticeably hesitant to talk about what might be developing between them. They laughed a lot when they were together. Talked about work. Chatted about their mutual friends. Studied. She talked some about her family and her background; he seemed to enjoy hearing stories about her past, but he was still very reticent about his own. She figured that would come in time.
They didn’t talk about the future beyond the next rotation.