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Accidentally Family (Pecan Valley 1)

Page 39

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“You, too, Robert. Felicity. Let me introduce you to Dr. Veronica Luna. She’s just joined the practice.” He stepped aside so Dr. Luna could shake hands.

Veronica Luna was breathtaking. Tall and curvy, a dimple peeking out of her cheek, and a solid fall of thick black hair. “Very nice to meet you both.”

“Congratulations. Are you new to the area?” Felicity asked, seeing Graham and Dr. Luna as the perfect buffer between her and Rob. “Why don’t you join us?”

If Rob was bothered by her suggestion, he didn’t let it show. “Yes, please.”

“Are you sure?” Veronica asked.

“Yes. Absolutely certain.” Please. For a split second, she thought she’d actually said the please out loud. The other three were looking at her wearing a variety of expressions. Robert Klein looked confused. Veronica looked startled. And Graham?

He was trying not to laugh.

They pulled up chairs, and conversation turned to Veronica. Where she’d moved from. Her single, no-kid status. The best neighborhoods for house hunting. And what single, kid-less adults did in Pecan Valley. She and Graham were no help, but Rob was full of suggestions.

Graham’s whispered, “Didn’t mean to interrupt your first date,” made her choke on her ice water. He was enjoying this far too much.

“You okay?” Rob asked.

She nodded, pressing her napkin to her mouth and stepping firmly on Graham’s toes. He was having a hell of a time covering his laugh. “Fine. Water.”

“What’s the house specialty?” Veronica asked, scanning the menu.

“How hungry are you?” Rob asked, leaning closer to Dr. Luna.

“Starving.” She smothered her yawn. “Dr. Murphy didn’t take a lunch—”

“Which is common for me, and the nurses give me grief about it,” Graham argued, shaking his head. “So, save yourself the nagging and headaches and take a lunch.”

There were dark shadows under his brown eyes.

You should be taking better care of yourself.

“I’ll remember that. If the nurses aren’t happy, the office isn’t happy.” Veronica Luna smiled. “I’m guessing the Cobb salad is a no?”

Felicity stared down at her barely touched salad. “No, it’s really good. I’m just not that hungry.” She’d been planning on meeting Robert Klein at his office, but he’d called shortly before their meeting to change the location. Food hadn’t been part of the equation—she had a roast slow cooking for a family dinner. And the word “date” had never, ever been mentioned. If it had, she wouldn’t have come.

Hopefully, Rob was joking. But a quick glance at the white-teethed lawyer had her shifting in her seat. His smile was back—all male appreciation. And, in case that wasn’t enough, he added a wink.

There was nothing more awkward than two adults trying to one-up each other. But Veronica and Rob Klein were going toe to toe. And it was exhausting. While he made his way through his burger and fries, the two of them plowed through their academic career, academic accomplishments, and who was youngest upon graduation. Over dessert, they moved on to their favorite travel destinations and why.

Graham noticed how quickly Felicity drained her glass of wine. She seemed to relax—a little. Not enough to look like she was truly enjoying herself, but he could tell she was trying.

When Rob excused himself to take a phone call, Veronica blew out a deep breath and said, “He’s super competitive. That has to be exhausting. How long have you been going out?”

Graham watched as Felicity went from pseudorelaxed to ramrod stiff.

“We’re not.” Felicity’s tone was firm. “This…is a meeting. Only a meeting.”

“Oh?” Veronica grinned. “Does he know that?”

“Absolutely.” But she was chewing on her lower lip.

“Good to know.” Veronica’s gaze bounced between Felicity and Robert, who was animatedly talking on his phone across the restaurant. “Excuse me.” She pushed back her chair and headed toward the restrooms.

When Felicity’s green eyes met Graham’s, he couldn’t stop the laughter.

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