Accidentally Family (Pecan Valley 1) - Page 63


froze. “Um, no, thank you.”

“You said your pants are tight. You’re only going to keep getting bigger, Charity. Might as well get one or two pairs of pants. Maybe a shirt or two.”

She couldn’t live in her yoga pants much longer. Her mother was likely to burn them if she tried. Still, standing in front of a full-length mirror was something she now dreaded. She liked her body. It wasn’t perfect, but it suited her. Now, with the basketball swell more obvious every day, it didn’t. She didn’t look like herself. “Just tell me I’ll get my body back.”

Felicity hugged her. “Is that what’s worrying you?”

“That I’m inflating like a balloon? It’s sort of worrisome.”

“You’re pregnant. It would be more worrisome if you weren’t growing. You’re growing because your baby is growing.” Felicity hugged her again. “Worrying isn’t good for you, you know that?”

“Says you.” She took her sister’s hand.

“I’m trying, okay? It’s just, there’s been so much to worry about recently. Every time I think things are evening out, they fall apart.”

“No one has fallen apart, Filly. You’ve made sure of that. You’re always so good about taking care of everyone else, you know? I mean, I get it, the whole mom-nurturer thing. But it’s like you’ve removed yourself from that.”

“I take care of myself.”

Charity rolled her eyes. “You eat well and exercise, yes, I know. Mom reminds me of that every single time she sees me. I mean here.” She pointed at her sister’s chest—her heart.

Filly’s gaze fell from hers, and she went back to nibbling the inside of her lip.

And just like that, Charity was struck with inspiration. “I’ll make you a deal.”

Filly’s brows rose. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

She laughed. “Just hear me out, will you?”

Her sister nodded.

“I’ll buy fat-lady maternity clothes, whatever you think I need. But then we go back to that lingerie store and—”

“No. Absolutely not.” Felicity crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m too…too—”

“Scared to see that you’ve still got a rocking bod that deserves the loving of a good man? Whose initials might be—and probably are—GM. Who comes with a lot of baggage but is totally worth it?” She paused, making a big production out of taking a deep breath. “Who lights up when you walk into a room and clearly cares about your kids and, when you weren’t looking, has totally checked out your butt—”

“Charity.” Felicity cut her off.

“Was that a yes?” Charity poked. “I’m pretty sure you said yes, you’ll buy lingerie and I’ll buy maternity clothes. You have no idea how depressing that was to say.”

Her sister laughed. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She paused. “And I want you to be happy. That’s all I’m getting at, okay?”

Felicity nodded. “Okay.”

“Good.” Charity smiled. “Let’s start with the lingerie and then get the maternity clothes.”

Felicity sighed. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

They were halfway to the boutique when Felicity asked, “He really checked out my butt?”

You are so hot for the good doctor. “Yes, he did. And he definitely liked what he saw.”

Tags: Sasha Summers Pecan Valley Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024