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Accidentally Family (Pecan Valley 1)

Page 102

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When she smiled, everything felt like it was going to be okay. He really wanted that for her. For her to be more than okay. He wanted her to be happy. “You look pretty, Mom,” he said, really looking at her.

“Thank you.” He’d surprised her, in a good way. “You’re sweet.”

“Being honest.”

“He wants something, Mom,” Honor cut in. “Look at that face. He is up to something.”

Nick shot her a look. He was up to something, and she knew it.

“Are you?” his mother asked.

He shrugged. “I might have rented a paddleboat for later. Maybe this time, we’ll make it back without a tow.”

“Story?” Owen asked, sliding his arm around Honor and leaning forward for a scoop of lemon freeze.

“The last time he rented a paddleboat…” His mom shook her head. “Though, to be fair, it was his grandfather who rented it. He was supposed to take Nick out, but he had a few too many beers and ended up with a killer headache. Nick’s dad was on call, and I wasn’t about to disappoint my son, so I decided I’d do it.” She sighed.

“We almost got to the middle of the lake when the cotton candy and corndogs and lemon freeze kicked in.” Nick nudged her. “I started puking all over and crying.”

“He wouldn’t let me move—to paddle back in—so I’m floating around, covered in gunk.” She laughed. “You were so pathetic Nickie.”

“Where were you?” Owen asked Honor.

“I was sitting right here with Mimi and Grams, making s’mores and laughing at them.” She covered her mouth.

“Who gave you a tow?” Owen asked.

“Dr. Murphy,” he and Honor answered in unison, and both of them glanced at their mother.

She was staring at the wipe, twisting it in her hands, a smile on her face.

“He’s always been around?” Owen asked.

“Always,” Honor agreed. “He’s the sort who sticks, you know?”

“Like me?” Owen asked, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

It still floored him that Owen was this into his sister. The dude was…his hero. Honor was his sister. Which meant it was awesome because they might be family someday. Or he’d have to kick his hero’s ass on behalf of his sister.

Or not.

They didn’t talk about it, but they all knew what was coming. In a few weeks, Honor was going off to college and Owen would be at boot camp. That was going to hurt both of them. Like, really hurt. It sucked that they waited so long to get together, now that they were both leaving.

“Speak of the devil,” Honor said, pushing Owen aside and standing up. “Diana! Hey,” she called out, waving her hands.

Finally. Nick relaxed, ruffling Jack’s curls and glancing at his mom.

“Honor.” His mother shushed her, casting a nervous look his way.

“It’s cool, Mom,” he said, catching her hand in his. “We’ve got room.”

She chewed on her lower lip—it was what she did when she was stressing out. He was the reason she was stressing out.

“Hey.” Diana was out of breath. “Hi. Happy Fourth of July, people.” She dropped to her knees. “Jack. How’s it going? Cool shades, little dude.”

“We match. My idea.” Nick grinned.

“He looks good. You?” Diana wrinkled her nose and shrugged. “Looks like you’re trying to be like him.”

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