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Ravenous (The Finn Factor 4)

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He shook his head. “He’s been working on something the last week that’s kept him busy. He wouldn’t talk about it.”

“He was trying to get a name for us.”

“Brady.” Trick smiled and winced again as Noah handed Seamus ice wrapped in a hand towel. “I don’t try, it just happens. I’m that good. Top pocket.”

Declan reached into the pocket of his shirt and felt a folded piece of paper. “You’ve got to quit saying yes to these guys. You should stick to lost puppies and cheating wives from now on. Or let me know what the hell you’re doing so I can help.”

“That sounds like a country song. Cheating puppies and lost wives.”

Owen whistled. “Someone really rang his bell.”

Declan forced himself to remain calm as he got to his feet and looked up at Brady. “I hand you this and you thank him for his help. You don’t badmouth him, you don’t treat him like he’s a criminal. You thank him.”

Brady nodded, frowning thoughtfully. “You love him.”

“For most of my life, yeah. Is that a problem?” Declan handed Brady the paper.

He didn’t look away. “That depends. Can you ever love her as much?”

God help him, he already did. “I think that’s something she deserves to know before anyone else does.”

Brady nodded again, moving to sit beside Trick. “Thank you, Trick. Ken and I couldn’t have gotten as far as we have without your help. This has been a difficult job for everyone and I… I’m sorry I’ve been such an ungrateful son of a bitch.”

Trick patted his arm. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

Solomon laughed, a surprising sound that reminded Declan he was in the room. “I think we should get out of their way now. Professor Kelley? If you wouldn’t mind walking us out?”

He waved the other men out the door, rolling his eyes when Owen paused to look back at the living room. “Are we still mad at him? Because as long as sex-with-my-sister talk is off the table, I vote we have the next Finn Again right here.”

“Out,” Seamus said, shaking his head.

When the three men were alone at the door, Solomon glanced at Seamus, who nodded. “We’re not saying we approve of what’s going on here.”

“And we’re not saying we don’t,” Solomon added carefully. “But out of respect for what Trick just went through for Brady, and in light of today’s conversation, we think there’s something you should know.”

Declan had a sinking feeling he wasn’t going to like it.

Chapter Ten

“I’m fine, Ellen, I promise,” Tasha insisted from her pile of pillows. “I feel better than I have in weeks. My ankles aren’t swollen anymore, and I’m nowhere near as tired.” She made a face. “Of course now that I have energy, I’m not allowed to get up and use it.”

“No, you’re not, young lady.” Ellen smiled to soften the command. “Your only job is to take care of yourself and my grandchildren. And that means you have to let us wait on you.”

Jen heard the doorbell ring and grinned. “And today, the pampered pregnant princess will eat like a queen. Just this once and you shouldn’t tell Stephen.”

Tasha looked at her hopefully. “Ruby’s?”

Jen nodded and laughed when Tasha let out a whoop of delight. She signed for the bag and started getting the plates ready, hoping her mother was feeling better. She’d been quiet on the way over. It worried her when her mother got quiet. Was it just Tasha’s health or was something wrong with her father?


She didn’t look up. “Hey. Do you want to take her plate in?”

“I know.”

Jen frowned, spatula paused as she looked at her mother in confusion. “Know what?”

“I heard you and that man who came to the hospital. Your professor. I know you and Tristan Dunham are staying with him. Together.”

This wasn’t happening. She wasn’t standing over steaming lasagna while her mother confronted her about having a threesome. She couldn’t know. How would she know? “Mama, maybe now is not the best time to be having this conversation.”

“Jennifer Finn, you will sit down and listen to me right now.”

Jen set down the spatula, walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Her mother hadn’t spoken to her like that since she’d started a fire on the kitchen stove when she was nine. “I’m listening.”

Ellen Finn was ringing her hands together. She looked so pale with her shock of red hair curling around her face. “I know after that incident with Jeremy and Owen I told you that I’d be proud of anything and anyone you chose, as long as it made you happy.”

“I remember. Mama, sit down with me, please. You’re scaring me a little.”

“I said any one, Jennifer. One. You can’t have more than that. It just doesn’t work.”

Jen’s hands were shaking. Her mother couldn’t understand. “What if it did?”

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