Not in Kansas (Kinky Oz 1) - Page 9

“Us? What are you doing? Oh, shit, wait—”

The water pressed Kansas against the rock wall of the waterfall, the green liquid forming tendrils that wrapped around his chest, his waist, and his cock. “I appreciate this, I do, but I’m fine. This really isn’t necessARY!” The word ended on a shout as a mouth of warmer water swallowed the head of his hardening shaft.

He parted the water with his hands, certain he would find a body attached to that powerful mouth, but he saw nothing. Only the glowing water swirling around him. Caressing him. Arousing him.

Nooo shame. Not fooor the Kansaas. Heeee is speciaaal.

“Shit.” He wasn’t special. He wasn’t… Oh God, that felt good. How long had it been since something other than his own palm stroked his cock? “This is so wrong.”

Maagic in thisss one. Hidddden.

“No.” He closed his eyes and arched his hips, giving in to the exquisite sensations. Tongues lapped his nipples, his balls, nibbled on the cheeks of his ass. The tendrils formed a hand that stroked his erection. “Yes. Oh fuck, yes.”

A loud rumbling purr had him lifting his lids to meet Fenna’s knowing gaze. She was sitting at the edge of the pool on Lenard’s lap, his hand covering her breast as they watched him.

“It looks like you get special treatment after all. Don’t mind us, sea eyes.”

Kansas was held still by the powerful pull of the water. He watched, mesmerized as Lenard lay on his back at the edge of the pool. His clawed hands positioned Fenna astride him, her back to the Felix. He couldn’t look away as the young feline lowered Fenna slowly onto his thick cock and began to fuck her.

So damn wrong.

The sentient water wrapped around his erection matched Lenard’s rhythm. The liquid mouth rippled and vibrated around his cock. It felt like a throat swallowing him down, a fist squeezing like a vise around him.

An animal growl drew his attention to Lenard. His face tight, more alien in his ecstasy. He was looking directly at Kansas, his expression unmistakable.

He would fuck him too, if Kansas agreed.

He pressed his palms back against the slick rocks, his feet digging into the small pebbles beneath him, seeking purchase when the water began to slap excitedly against his flesh, quickening with the pace of Lenard’s thrusts.

Yourrr tassste. Ssso different. Speciaaal.

How could he be expected to think while the water was separating the cheeks of his ass? When the distinct shape of a tongue was pressing against the tight, long neglected ring of muscles to push inside? He was lost.

He’d rarely let anyone top him, but he wasn’t immune to the powerful feelings rocking him as the phallic-shaped liquid filled his ass, taking him harder than he ever would have allowed a partner to take him before. Pounding against him with the force of a small tsunami.

“Fuck, yes!”

Fuuck yees. Heee will waaant you.

The water flipped him onto his back and he looked up in surprise as it formed into the shape of a man. Bald, beautiful, and well muscled. It pushed his legs up until his knees were digging into his shoulders and took him, even harder than before.

“God, that’s hot,” he muttered, before his neck arched, mouth opening on a soundless cry as his watery lover found his prostate and hammered it without mercy.

So good. How could this feel so good?

He came hard, his release instantly washed away by the churning water around him. The water that had taken the shape of the sexiest man he’d ever seen in his life. The climaxing screams of his guides joined his own low groans and he didn’t even care that they’d been watching. It felt too. Fucking. Good.

Welcooome hooome.

He lay back on the cool wet stone, utterly boneless. The body melted away but the water kissed his chin and snuggled against him affectionately. Kansas sighed. The aftershocks of his release still shuddered through his limbs and already he wanted more. What the hell was wrong with him?

This had been no more than glorified masturbation, no matter how real those mouths had felt. How solid and hard that cock had been inside him. He ran his hands softly through the water, palms curved in apology for his thoughts.

S’okaaay, speciaaal onnne. You are meant forrr the kiiing.

He suddenly wondered if they had liquor in this world. He could really use a drink right now. He turned his head toward Fenna and Lenard, watching them splash each other playfully, waiting for them to look his way.

“I’m not complaining but… Is this gonna happen every time I take a bath?”

Tags: R.G. Alexander Kinky Oz Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024