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Maria (Made Men 7)

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Like Nero, which she wouldn’t admit, she had been more concerned about what Lucca thought. Her eyes were still on him, watching him prep dinner.

Why the fuck isn’t he saying something?

“I think he just pulled the car up,” Leo announced, still clearly trying to save her.

Again, Maria and Nero continued staring at a busy Lucca. It was her brother who gave up first.

“Fuck it. Go on then, I guess.”

“H-Have fun,” Chloe assured.

“Be good,” Elle warned, none of them, including her, knew if it was for Maria or Leo.

“Okay then ….” Drawing out leaving for just a few more seconds, she went to grab her fur coat off the couch where she always threw it. Carefully watching for anything her older brother would give her into what he thought and/or why he hadn’t opened his mouth, she got not-a-fucking thing. Swallowing hard, she finally put on her coat. This disappointment was definitely harder than the last. “Bye.”


Her Second Dance

Walking up to the school, Maria was distracted by thoughts of Lucca. It was the fact that he hadn’t said a single word after she said Kayne’s name that had thrown her off, making her wonder if he approved, which she highly doubted. Or if he didn’t approve, which was almost certain, but exactly how much?

Her mind began to drift to the first time she had met Kayne …

…“You’re very welcome ….”

She swept her gold hair behind her ear, smiling. “Maria.”

They turned their heads when the front glass doors were flung open with a thud.

Here we go, she thought as the man coming through quickly closed the distance between them.

“This is my brother.”

She watched something flash in the handsome man’s golden eyes.

“Lucca Caruso.” Her brother held out his hand.

“Kayne Evans.” He took Lucca’s hand, shaking it. “I teach English here.”

He’s a teacher? How come I never got teachers who looked like this?

Maria looked at their hands. Kayne’s grip matched Lucca’s. Not to mention he could shake his hand while looking Lucca straight in the eye. She could tell that was really starting to piss Lucca off, considering not many men could, let alone an English teacher.

Lucca finally released his hand. “English, huh? You don’t seem like the teaching type.”

“And you don’t seem like the type who would listen when I say there is no smoking on school grounds,” Kayne retorted.

Oh, no. Maria tried to brace herself.

Lucca reached into his pocket and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. Grabbing a stick, he put it between his lips, then began to talk as he held it there.

“Considering I never listened years ago when I was here”—he flicked open his Zippo and lit the end before taking a long, deep hit then blowing out the smoke, making sure it hit Kayne in the face—“I’d say you’re right, Teach.”

“Well, I’m glad we know our roles here. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my students are about to graduate.”

Kayne then smiled at her. “It was nice meeting you, Maria.”

“It was nice meeting you, too.” Maria tried to keep from blushing and staring into the molten gold of his eyes.

“Lucca,” Kayne said as he passed him.

“Kayne,” Lucca returned as he dropped the butt on the floor, stepping on it.

Well, that could’ve gone worse, she thought as she watched Kayne walk down the hallway. Damn if his walk wasn’t somehow sexy.

“What the fuck, Sal?” Lucca roared when Sal came back around the corner.

“Sorry, she fucking drilled him right in the face with the door. I couldn’t quit laughing.”

While Maria closed her eyes, feeling bad all over again, Sal began laughing once more, clearly replaying in his mind what had happened.

Lucca wrapped his arm around his sister, dragging them back toward the gym. “What have I told you about hitting harder?”…

…The flash of the cameras had her blinking for dear life. “What the—”

“The theme is Hollywood, remember?” Leo kept her from dropping the F-bomb in front of the fifty or so parents who were pretending to be paparazzi from behind the ropes.

“Oh, right.” Truthfully, Maria hadn’t known or even frankly gave a fuck to remember, because her ass was only here for one reason, and it started with hot and ended with teacher.

Watching Leo smile cutely and pose beside her for the camera, she effortlessly modeled beside him, with Jerry only a step behind, as they started to walk down the faux red carpet. It legitimately looked like a true celebrity photo with the photobombing bodyguard and all. The only thing missing was a sexist reporter asking Maria dumb-as-fuck questions that would later be plastered all over TMZ.

With another click of the camera, she watched Leo pose differently. “Isn’t this uncool for you to be doing with your sister?”

“No. Why would it be?” he asked, genuinely not understanding.

You know when something was so fucking cute you just wanted to squeeze it to death? Well, that was exactly how she felt about Leo. So, she settled for grabbing his cute, little face and giving him a kiss on the cheek instead. Rubbing off the lipstick stain from his face, she made a mental note to be sure to get a hold of that picture, wanting it framed.

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