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Maria (Made Men 7)

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As if her Catholic upbringing did her any good, it definitely went out the fucking window when he curled his hand over her breast, giving her a taste of what she had never experienced before—pure, unadulterated lust. She never believed herself capable of such a mundane emotion. Not her, never her, until she was brave enough to turn and face the handsome golden-eyed teacher and felt the slide of Kayne’s lips along the side of her mouth, the tip of his tongue taking a small sip before he slid it down to nuzzle her throat, breathing warm air against her heated flesh while lifting her weightlessly into his arms.

Squinting her eyes closed, she grasped him around the neck, wanting the deeper kiss he had teased her with before.

Feeling the luxurious softness of a bed beneath her, Maria lazily gave Kayne a beckoning smile when he moved his face to the side, avoiding her kiss. Undeterred, she traced her manicured fingertips down the front of his shirt.

As she bit down on her bottom lip, he narrowed his eyes at the temptation she was unashamedly offering, daring him to ignore the hesitation she saw that was stopping his hard body that had followed her down onto the bed. She wanted it too. And the acts she was about to commit, she wouldn’t be confessing in confession.

Boldly, she started unbuttoning his shirt. Then, raising her head from the pillow, she trailed butterfly kisses across his collarbone, swirling her tongue over the pulse in the middle before continuing on, her own pulse beating just as fast. Deliberately, she rubbed her breasts against his chest, tormenting herself just as much as Kayne.

The slow slide of the straps of her gown being pushed off her shoulders from smooth fingertips didn’t stop until the slivers of material fell, exposing more of her décolleté. Conscious of her chest rising and falling from her accelerated breathing, she dreamily reached out, pushing the back of his head toward her so their mouths were whispers apart. Boldly, her tongue sexily licked his bottom lip, making the first move to bridge the distance between them.

A low groan from Kayne’s throat escaped right before he took over, covering her mouth and fusing their lips together in a kiss that had her fingers prickling into his short hair to hold him in place. Parting her mouth, Kayne plunged his tongue inside, showing he was much more adapt at kissing than dancing. It wasn’t an innocent kiss. It was one that demanded and plundered the depths of her mouth until, if she wasn’t already lying down, the dizzying rush would have planted her ass there.

The cool teacher who all the students admired was passionately proving the professional image he portrayed hid a man who was capable of having her gasping and moaning under him. Shamelessly, Maria kissed him back, dropping her own façade of being a princess frozen in ice, exposing the wicked desire that had sparked into life the first time she had met him.

She parted her legs, making room for Kayne to slide between her thighs. The unbelievable pleasure of having him so close was like nothing she had ever experienced before.

As he cupped her breast under her loosened gown, Maria twisted her lips free from Kayne’s to pull his shirt free. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. It became the most important thing in the world for her to see the self-possessed teacher lose his mind in her arms.

With the palms of her hands, she searched and explored his body, smoothing over his taut shoulder muscles before lowering to smooth over his chest.

Kayne was making his own discovery when he dipped his mouth to the cleft of her breast, pushing the pink silk down and exposing breasts that were begging to be touched.

Stiffening in pleasure at the first touch of lips covering a tip, she felt Kayne curl in a smile on the sensitive area at her reaction. He might not be confident of his abilities when he danced, but when it came to women, Kayne knew exactly what he was doing.

With firm hands, he slid under her back, lifting her to fill his mouth with her breast. Grazing his teeth along the underside of her nipple had her fingernails pricking into him warningly.


“I am,” Kayne growled against her skin. “If I did what I really wanted to do, you’d run screaming.”

A corner of Maria’s luscious lips lifted. “It would take a lot more than you’d think to make me run, Mr. Evans.”

His growl turned into a low moan when she wrapped her arms around his waist to slip her hands into his trousers and grab his ass.

“You should be the one running scared.” She dropped the hint of caution.

Kayne would think that they were playing around. Little did the man know she wasn’t joking. The way he was making her feel, a woman could get addicted, and she didn’t do well when she was deprived of something she wanted. It just made her more determined to have him.

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