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Reckless Nights (Vegas Nights 1)

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“I was thinking about what an asshole I used to be,” he said truthfully.

She raised a brow at that brutally honest answer. “I’ve heard,” she drawled.

Surprise filled him, but really, he shouldn’t be shocked. The tabloids and gossip sites loved to paint him in the most unflattering light possible.

“Really? Yet you’re still here with me?” He rubbed his other hand over his chest, uncomfortable with the fact that she knew. Damn it, he hated his reputation and how it followed him everywhere. How was he ever going to be taken seriously in the business if they all viewed him as some sort of rogue player out to get in every female’s panties?

By straightening up your act and proving you can be a serious, one-woman man. And this sexy woman sitting with you in the tub could fit the bill.

Yeah. His conscious had a point.

“I believe everyone deserves a second chance,” she said, her voice as soft as her eyes. She shrugged those pretty shoulders, and hell if he didn’t want to kiss them. Nibble on her skin and drive her crazy until she turned into him and begged him to fuck her. “That may make me naïve, but so be it. You’ve made mistakes. You’ve owned up to them to me. You fixed yourself and now you’re on the right track.”

She made it sound so simple. He’d like to believe it really could be that simple. He was clean now, he studied his craft and he earned that movie role, damn it. He was anxious for Monday to come. He couldn’t wait to start work.

But Hollywood wasn’t that simple. They would all be waiting in judgment, ready to slam him at every chance they could. Waiting for him to slip up, fuck up, look the fool.


“You’re very sweet to say that,” he finally said, wishing they could change the subject, which he had the power to do. He could switch up the focus to sex, no problem.

It was easier that way.

“I mean it,” she said earnestly, sincerity shining in her all-too-expressive gaze.

He cupped the back of her foot, his fingers drifting, caressing her skin. She jerked in his grip, but he held firm, smoothing his thumb across the back of her ankle, pulling the slightest bit so her he

el bumped against his erection. Her eyes widened and her expression immediately turned sultry.

There was his girl.

“And I mean it when I say thanks. But enough talk about me being given second chances.” He brought her foot up, out of the water, and dropped a kiss to the tip of her big toe. “Come here, baby. Let’s see how slick and wet you are.”

Giggling, she moved toward him without hesitation, her body cutting through the bubbles, moving through the water. “You’re dirty,” she murmured when she came in arm’s reach.

He grabbed her, pulling her to him. Her body was slippery and sleek, her long legs going round his waist as she straddled him, and it took everything within him not to thrust deep inside her body. “I’m clean as they come,” he said innocently. “Sitting in a bath with you, for Christ’s sake.”

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I mean your talk about how slick and wet I am. There’s double meaning there, you filthy man.”

“You like me filthy,” he said against her lips, letting one hand drift across her belly, making it shiver beneath his touch. “And I’m being truthful. You’re slick and wet here.” He gently tickled her stomach before he reached further, his fingers finding her between her thighs. “And you’re definitely slick and wet here.”

Her breath hitched in her throat. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about.”

“And you have a problem with that?” He stroked her, played with her, loving how she wore her pleasure so plainly on her face. She enjoyed his touch, seemed to revel in it. Had he ever been with a woman so responsive before?

He didn’t think so.

“N-no,” she stuttered, her hips working against his hand, her body’s rhythmic movements making the water ripple and splash. “God, Declan.” She sounded like she was in agony, and he thrust two fingers deep in her tight channel, pumping in and out, curling his fingers in just the right angle to have her gasping.

Pride filled him. It was so easy to make her come. Almost too fucking easy. His cock twitched, eager to get inside her, and he withdrew his fingers from her body, making her glare at him. He started to laugh, which made her glare harder.

“Rude man,” she muttered as she unwound her legs from around his waist, but he grabbed hold of her, so she couldn’t get away.

“I want to be inside you when you come,” he said, reaching behind him to feel for the wrapped condom he’d left by the tub’s ledge. His hand landed on it and he curled his fingers, waving the little square package in the air for Reagan to see. “Gotta suit up first.”

She moved into him, her slick breasts rubbing against his chest, her mouth hovering just above his. He could feel her grind her pussy against his cock and he growled, grasping hold of her hips in order to control her movements, but she was one step ahead of him.

“You always get to call the shots,” she murmured with a sexy little pout. “I want to ride you.”

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