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Reckless Nights (Vegas Nights 1)

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“Thank you for the presents,” she said yet again, hoping she wasn’t overdoing it with the compliments, but she couldn’t help herself. She was so incredibly grateful for everything he’d done for her this weekend.


“You look better than I ever could in those clothes,” he joked, dropping a kiss on the tip of her nose. “And you’re welcome.”

“Did you mean what you said earlier?” She winced the minute the words fell from her lips, but she had to know if he was serious. The conversation they had earlier about their seeing each other again once he was done filming his movie wouldn’t leave her. They’d been in the tub, Declan holding her close and telling her how he didn’t want her out of his life.

He wanted her more in it.

“About seeing you again? Yes. Definitely.” He smoothed his hand over her hair, his fingers tangling in the strands and she clung to him, giving him a hug, pressing her head to his chest and listening to the steady beat of his heart. The sound reassured her, soothed her.

Could she believe him? She wanted to. But she’ll go back home in her life and he’ll go back home to his. He’ll start working on his movie, twelve- to sixteen-hour days of intensive filming for the next six weeks. And she’ll go back to the emergency room working her twelve- to sixteen-hour days, five days a week, for the rest of her life.

He’d forget about her and she’d never, ever forget about him. But soon he’d become a fond memory. A thought of what if.

No regrets, she told herself. Enjoy the moment. What happens in Vegas…

She didn’t want to leave in Vegas. She wanted to bring it home and make it real.


“The car is ready for you,” he said. He’d arranged a car to take her back to her hotel. It would then wait for her until she and her friends needed to go to the airport.

“Thank you,” she murmured, trying to swallow past the lump in her throat. She closed her eyes, telling herself to get a grip, and he squeezed hold of her shoulders, his grip tight and reassuring.

Slowly she withdrew from him, offering him a smile as she pulled out of his arms. “I don’t know what to say,” she admitted, earning a soft chuckle from him.

He touched her cheek. “I don’t either. And I’m an actor. We’re taught how to ad lib in any situation.”

Reagan leaned into his palm and then turned her head, dropping a quick kiss to his skin. “You’ll call me?”

“When I can.” He took a deep breath. “This movie role…it’s going to consume me. And I’ll need to stay in the moment, you know?”

She did know. This role was more important to him than any other in his career. It was a dark and gritty character, and he didn’t want to be distracted. She got it. She was a distraction.

“Six weeks,” he continued. “Wait for me for six weeks. And then I’ll be knocking on your front door, begging you to let me in.”

Her smile felt false. And so did his words. Or maybe that was her insecurities taking over and making her think he sounded untrue. Whatever the case, she wasn’t going to pin all her hopes on that happening.

“Six weeks,” she said in agreement, gasping when he grasped hold of her and hugged her so tight she almost couldn’t breathe. “I’ll be counting down the days.”

“Me too, baby. Me too,” he whispered fiercely into her hair.

The mood was somber in the car over to the airport. Three very quiet, almost immobile women sat in the back of a sleek Lincoln Town Car, shoulder to shoulder, their gazes fixed on absolutely nothing.

“You know, Noah had a car arranged for us to go to the airport,” Natalie suddenly said, startling Reagan.

“Who’s Noah?” Reagan asked.

Natalie rolled her eyes. “You weren’t the only one who got some this weekend.”

Andrea laughed and shook her head. “Luke arranged for a car too. But when you texted letting us know that you already had arrangements, he cancelled.”

Reagan sent Andrea a questioning look. “Luke? Don’t tell me…”

Andrea blushed to the roots of her hair and nodded, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. “Luke Nelson. Football player.”

“Wait a minute. I recognize that name. He’s a pro football player?” Reagan asked incredulously.

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