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Tangled (Playing With Fire)

Page 47

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Drake’s mouth dropped open, as did Scarlett’s. “Uh, no. I don’t think so.”

“De Nile isn’t just a river in Egypt you know.” Brad reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder, giving her a little shake. “Tell that man how you feel, honey. Don’t let him get away if this opportunity is going to snatch him up. Maybe he would want you to go with him.”

“I doubt that.” She actually snorted. She’d contemplated it, dreamed about it. She would go with him to New York, become a makeup artist or costume designer for an off-Broadway production, getting her name out there until ultimately she worked on Broadway. Maybe someday get nominated for a Tony…

Okay, she was really reaching, but a girl was allowed to dream.

“I don’t know,” Drake said quietly. “I don’t doubt that he’s in love with you. He seems pretty taken with you.”

A secret look passed between them, and Scarlett knew exactly what he was referring to. That night and the three of them together. How commanding and possessive Trevor had been, yet tender and sweet, too. Always taking care of her needs. He had made it known that she was his, that she belonged to him. If any other man would’ve tried, she would’ve laughed in their faces.

With Trevor, she wanted it, craved his possessive nature. It made her feel even more womanly, feminine, yet in control. Really she had no control whatsoever when it came to him.

“I don’t think it’s love. It’s just lust.” That’s what she tried to convince herself. Love was so damn scary.

“Go to him,” Brad urged with a soft smile. “Tell him how you feel. Let him know you would do anything for him.”

She laughed nervously, glanced about the yard. She’d forgotten Austin and Michaela had been standing next to them, but they were gone, almost clear across the yard deep in conversation with another couple. She didn’t want anyone else to hear this ridiculous conversation.

Scarlett wanted to believe though. She wanted to believe in her heart that if she went to Trevor and said all of those things he would welcome her words, her feelings and her with open arms.

“Talk about going out on a limb,” Drake muttered with a shake of his head. “Come on, Brad.”

“Oh please, you loved it when I confessed my feelings to you.” Brad nudged him with an elbow to the side. “I’m just giving her advice. She doesn’t have to take it if she doesn’t want to.”

“I do appreciate your advice, Brad, thank you. I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t think too long, honey. You don’t want to lose that man.” Brad wagged a finger at her.

“I won’t.” Her smile was weak. Nerves ate at her insides, and the smell of cooking meat suddenly held no appeal. She’d come to the party starving.

Now there was no way she could eat. She was too worried about her feelings for Trevor and his feelings for her.

Trevor had tried to call Scarlett all day Sunday and now into Monday. He was practically bursting with his news, eager to share it with someone who cared, someone who mattered to him.


He’d called his parents after he hadn’t been able to get a hold of her, waking them up early this morning to share the news. They’d both been cautiously thrilled, excited that he was finally making his dreams come true but apprehensive that he would be clear across the country.

Typical parents’ stuff. He understood their worries and reassured them. All the while, it nagged at him that he didn’t want to be alone clear across the country from the only home he’d ever known.

He wanted Scarlett to go with him.

Would she want to? Would she be interested? His girl didn’t like risks, and this was one of the riskiest moves of all. Asking her to pack her stuff and move to New York with him with no job prospects, nothing but their feelings for each other.

He ran a hand through his hair and let loose a frustrated sigh as he glanced about the hotel room. He was coming home tomorrow, but he wanted to talk to her today, needed to talk to her. He was fairly bursting with the urge to speak with her.

So why the hell wouldn’t she pick up the goddamn phone?

Maybe she was pissed at him. Their phone call on Saturday night hadn’t been long. He’d been in a hurry, hanging out with some of the people he’d auditioned with including the assistant director of the play. They were going to dinner, and it was imperative that he go and make a good impression.

It had worked. The assistant director had essentially told him that night he wanted Trevor for the role. And he had gotten it. First thing this morning he’d been given the official offer, and he’d readily accepted.

Trevor glared at his quiet cell phone. Damn, he hated trying calling her again but he had to. He couldn’t resist. Grabbing the phone, he hit the speed dial button and waited to listen to the endless ringing.

The woman didn’t even have a voice mail or answering machine at her house. And he wasn’t in the mood to leave yet another message on her cell. He’d try her on her house phone and if she didn’t answer, forget it, he would wait for her call.

She picked up on the sixth ring, just when he’d been about to give up, issuing a breathless hello. His cock stirred at the first sound of her voice, the whispery quality reminding him of how she sounded just before she came. He closed his eyes, shook his head. Desperate for clarity.

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