Notorious (Playing With Fire) - Page 26

Unease slithered down her spine and he opened the front door, let her go in before him. The entryway was dimly lit and completely empty save for a reception desk. A sleek silver laptop and a vase of fresh flowers sat on top of the desk. She watched as Eric turned and pressed a button that looked like a doorbell on the wall next to the door.

Within moments another door opened and a woman entered the room. Her hair was pitch black and drawn back into a severe ponytail. She wore a silky Asian-style red dress and the highest black heels Stacy had ever seen. The woman went to the desk and sat behind it, her fingers poised over the keyboard of the laptop. “Name?”

Eric gave his name and the woman typed quickly, nodding her head as she scanned the screen. “Everything current?”


“And she’s your guest?” The woman peered at her over the top of the laptop.

“Yes.” Eric slung his arm around Stacy’s shoulders and drew her close to his side.

“Very good.” The woman smiled though it didn’t appear very genuine. “Please respect all the rules and enjoy yourselves.”

“Thank you.” He nodded at the woman and took Stacy’s hand, leading her toward the same door the woman just came out of.

“Have a pleasant evening,” the woman called as they went through the door.

And entered a room unlike anything Stacy had ever seen before in her life.

Eric felt Stacy’s shoulders tense beneath his arm as soon as they entered the room. Her eyes widened as she took everything in, turning her head first to the left, then the right. Then her gaze met his, eyes wide with surprise, lips parted.

He leaned in and kissed her, unable to resist. “What do you think?”

A very discreet voyeur-themed sex club was where he’d taken her. One he hadn’t been to in an age. He’d never been one to participate when he visited in the past, taking his pleasure in merely observing. He thought Stacy might enjoy it after the things she’d confessed to him. Had a feeling he knew her limits, knew that she would rather take it slow instead of just plunging into a wild-and-crazy threesome.

At least, he hoped so. If he had his choice, there would be no threesome in their future at all. He’d gone down that road once. And he couldn’t stand the thought of doing it again.

“I—I’m surprised.” She shook her head, her eyes wide as she took it all in. “Why did you bring me here?”

“Well.” He nuzzled her cheek with his nose, then kissed her. “You’ve confessed a few fantasies to me lately. I thought you might want to…watch some of these things unfold.”

There were people everywhere in various states of undress. Some couples in passionate embraces, their mouths and bodies fused. Others were in groups of three, four, even five—limbs entwined, hands wandering over naked flesh, little soft sighs and low, agonized groans. The scent of sex permeated the air, tickling his nostrils and his cock twitched at the smells and sounds that surrounded them. He felt a shiver move through Stacy and he wondered if it was nerves or arousal.

He really hoped it was the latter.

“Oh. Wait a minute.” She turned to look at him, her gaze locked with his, realization dawning in her eyes. “You don’t want us to participate. You just want to…watch?”

“Well, yeah.” He smiled and nodded, squeezing her shoulder in hopes to reassure her. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“No.” Slowly she shook her head, her gaze scanning the room. “I don’t mind. This could be…interesting.”

That was putting it mildly.

Taking her hand, he led her around the perimeter of the room, where the other observers stood or sat. Everyone watched with rapt gazes, some of them solo, the majority of them couples. Couples like he and Stacy, average-looking people searching for a little thrill. Within the center was where all the action unfolded. So much action he didn’t know where to look first.

“Let’s sit here,” Stacy suggested, stopping in front of a very small dark-brown velvety loveseat.

Eric followed her lead, sitting down next to her on the loveseat. It was old, the cushions sunk deep and he slipped his arm around her shoulders and hauled her close. “Do you think this is weird?”

“No,” she whispered, a little smile curling her lips. “It’s kind of exciting.”

Ah, his girl was a bigger pervert than he thought. Turning his attention to the various sexual activities unfolding in front of them, his gaze locked on one group in particular.

Two men and a woman on a mattress lying on the floor, all three of them naked, the woman on her hands and knees, her lips wrapped around the length of one man’s cock. The other man rested on his knees behind her, his cock pumping in and out of her body.

He couldn’t help but wonder if Stacy chose to sit at this particular spot because of the men and woman who performed in front of it. This, of course, was the fantasy that intrigued her the most.

Stacy’s breathing quickened and she rested her hand on his thigh, her fingers digging into him. The sting of her fingernails bit into his flesh even through his jeans and he glanced at her. Saw the dazed expression on her face as she watched the action unfold.

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024