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Wild Nights (Vegas Nights 3)

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Chapter One

“You look sad.”

Natalie glanced up, smiling wanly at James. “I’m fine. Really.”

She was lying, but hey, they didn’t know each other. She hadn’t made an oath with him like she had with Andrea and Reagan when they were in nursing school. They’d grown so close, spent so much time together, that one long night after studying for so many hours they were most likely delirious from lack of sleep, they promised to each other they would always tell the truth, even if it hurt.

And right now, she was hurting. She’d caught Reagan going out onto the terrace with that sexy actor Declan Carter within moments of their arriving at the party. Natalie’d tried talking to her earlier, but Reagan blew her off. Andrea was currently in a dark corner with some hulking giant of a man who was supposedly a pro football player.

Here Natalie was. Alone. More like invisible. No one paid any attention to her, with the exception of James, and considering he’d brought her to the party, he must’ve felt obligated to check up on her.

“Don’t lie to a consummate liar, honey,” James drawled, shaking his head. “You are the farthest thing from fine. Well, you’re gorgeous, my sweet little sprite, but...” He waved an impatient hand. “You know what I mean.”

Right. Sure she did. The only guy telling her she was gorgeous was one who played for the other team. Oh, she valued James’ opinion and thought he was hilarious. He also had excellent taste, at least when it came to fashion. She’d had high hopes she’d meet a guy tonight, what with the way James went on and on about Declan and his friends. James had informed them that all these famous, gorgeous friends of Declan’s were looking for nice, normal girls, and she met both criteria. She was nice. She was normal.

Her friends definitely found someone quick. Like whiplash fast.

Not that she was looking for a hookup or anything. She wasn’t hookup material. Growing up like she did, sheltered and unable to do pretty much anything—or at least it had felt like it when she lived at home—she didn’t give off that carefree vibe.

Meeting a hot guy and spending a few hours with him—that would’ve been nice. Exciting. She needed some excitement in her life. She was bored. Restless.

“Sure. I’m gorgeous.” She nodded, smiling at James, but it felt more like a baring of teeth. Her good mood had been dashed, and all she wanted to do was go back to her hotel suite and go to bed.

God, how lame was she? They were in Vegas, the other city that never slept. Sin City. She should be out…sinning, or whatever. Not that she’d ever been big on sinning, and maybe that was half her problem. She’d always been a good girl.

Being a good girl was boring.

“You are gorgeous. Trust me,” James said firmly. He grabbed hold of her shoulders and turned her so she faced him. “The one I chose for you isn’t here yet.”

She frowned. The one he chose for her? She had a chosen one? What in the world was James talking about? “Huh?”

He rolled his eyes and gave her a little shake. “You think I brought you girls here just to hang out with the faux rich and rude? Please. I had men already picked out for each of you. Declan’s friends. I knew Reagan would be perfect for Declan because of their mutual lust for…Declan.”

James laughed at his own joke and Natalie couldn’t help but smile.

“And I had a feeling that manly yet sweet Luke would go straight for the painfully beautiful Andrea, and I was right,” he continued, never letting go of Natalie’s shoulders. “For you, I picked someone extra special. But I’m afraid he has timing issues.” He made a face.

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