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Wild Nights (Vegas Nights 3)

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He laughed. “I’m just teasing. Besides, you need someone to keep you company for the evening.”

“I will,” Noah volunteered quickly.

Natalie turned to look at him so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. “Are you serious?” she squeaked.

Noah’s smile faltered the slightest bit. “That is, if you want to hang out with me.”

Unbelievable. Natalie found it hard to wrap her head around the fact that he just asked her that. “The question really should be, do you want to hang out with me?”

James glared at her, his lips falling into a major frown before he turned his charm onto Noah. “Mr. Wilde, sir, do you mind if I talk to Natalie for a few minutes in private? We’ll be right back.” He took hold of her arm before Noah could answer him, before she could even say a word in protest.

“What are you doing?” she hissed at James as soon as they were out of earshot.

“I should ask you the same question.” He looked her up and down, slowly shaking his head. “What the hell is wrong with you, questioning Noah Wilde? When he says he wants to hang out with you, you say, ‘yes please’, and nothing else!”

“Hey, I don’t want him to think I’m easy,” she said, feeling a little butthurt. She didn’t need a reminder that when it came to men, she was an utter failure. If this was supposed to be a pep talk, James wasn’t encouraging her whatsoever. “Isn’t he like a world class man-whore?”

“Only the finest man-whore you’ve ever seen,” James drawled. “Seriously, the boy used to get around.”

Grimacing, she shook her head. She didn’t want the finest man-whore ever. That meant he was probably rife with every sexual disease known. “If you think that’s a selling point, you’re sadly mistaken.”

“Did you not hear me say used to get around? He’s cleaned up his act. Trying to focus on the music, though it’s been hard considering everyone in the band isn’t getting along,” James explained. “He needs a distraction. You could provide it.”

“I won’t sex him up,” she said. “I’m not looking to get laid.”

James rolled his eyes. “Well, that’s your fault then, because that man can shake his hips, oh my God. Can you imagine what he might do to you naked in a bed? Against a wall? In a shower?” He fanned himself, which made her giggle. “I’m serious, have you seen him on stage?”

“I have,” she admitted. “I went and saw him in concert a long time ago, when I was still in high school.”

“And I bet he was absolutely divine. Made your insides shiver and your panties get wet, and you were left a confused, wondrous mess.” James laughed at her horrified expression. “I know, I just freaked you out, but I’m dead serious. I had about the same reaction the first time I saw him in concert. When I started working for Declan and discovered they were good friends, I almost lost my shit. I practically fainted the first time I met him.”

“You saved me from swallowing my tongue in front of him earlier,” she admitted with a faint smile.

“I could see you struggling. That’s why I ran over.” He hooked his arm through hers. “Don’t be nervous. Just…be yourself. You’re adorable and funny, and that slightly snarky humor—he’ll love it. Don’t let him get away with shit. The women he’s been with, they defer to him all the time. Whatever he wants, they agree with. Give him your opinions. Disagree with him on occasion. Just…be you.”

She lifted her chin, shaming her racing heart, her clammy hands. She needed to listen to James and just be herself. It would get her nowhere, worrying about what Noah thought, what anyone else who saw them together thought. She could do this. She so could.

“Okay,” she said weakly. “I’ll do it.”

“That’s my girl,” James said softly, reaching out and cupping her chin. He stared at her. “Now, if we could wipe out the sheer terror that’s shining in your eyes, we’ll be golden.”

Natalie blinked up at him, putting on her best smile. She could handle this. Even if it killed her, she could so do this. “I’m fine. Really.”

“Uh-huh, I’ve heard that before,” he said as he released his hold on her face. He turned her back toward Noah, and they both headed in his direction. “No massive fangirling, okay? Just be normal.”

“Who said I was a massive fangirl?” She was offended he’d called her that.

“You didn’t have to say a word, I could see it written all over your face. Plus, you were struggling to even speak to him only a few minutes ago, so give me a break.” They stopped directly in front of Noah, who was now clutching a beer bottle. He smiled at her before bringing it up to his lips and she swore her brain just short-circuited.

James had to nudge her to get her to step forward. “She’s all yours, Noah. You lucky, lucky dog.”

All yours. He liked the sound of that. Little Natalie might not approve, what with the way she glared at James before returning her attention to Noah, but he could work past that. Throw some of that Noah Wilde charm he was so famous for her way and she’d melt like butter. No problem.

“I think James just called you a dog,” she said as she went to go stand beside him. She barely reached his shoulder in heels, and that was pushing it. “I’d be insulted if I were you.”

“Don’t you fret, sweetheart. I’ve been called much, much worse,” he said, smiling at her before he sent a look in James’ direction. “Don’t you have something else you need to do?”

“I’m dying for a glass of champagne.” James flashed them both a smile. “Toodles, you two. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

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