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Wild Nights (Vegas Nights 3)

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She needed to quit thinking and start encouraging.

“It might work,” she finally whispered, feeling daring and bold for even suggesting such a thing. She couldn’t believe he’d mentioned it either, though maybe she shouldn’t be so surprised. He was a known player. “A kiss. Or maybe two…”

He silently swooped in and settled his mouth on hers, capturing her top lip with his teeth and giving it a gentle tug before releasing it. She gasped in surprise, her mouth dropping open, and he took advantage, his tongue sliding in and tangling with hers. She stepped into him, her arms automatically going around his neck, his hands dropping to her butt and giving it a squeeze. He was so tall and she was a total shrimp, but somehow, they seemed to fit perfectly together.

And he kissed perfectly too. Oh good Lord, she should’ve expected it. The man had a reputation for being a consummate lover, and his tongue alone was sending chills racing down her spine. His big hands kneaded her ass and she moved even closer to him, molding her body to his. Her nipples came to life at first contact with his muscular chest and she whimpered low in her throat, heard Noah growl as he somehow deepened the kiss even more. His tongue moved in a sensuous rhythm that mimicked sex. Thrusting. Made her think of naked skin and messy sheets and sweaty bodies coming together again and again…

The discreet coughing finally drew her attention, and she broke away from Noah to find the man in the black suit glaring at them, his mouth thinned into a straight line. Guess he wasn’t big on public displays of affection.

Normally, neither was she, but the first touch of Noah’s lips on hers and she’d lost her head.

“Sorry about that,” Noah said, not sounding sorry whatsoever. She glanced up at him, noting the cocky smile on his face. His hands still rested on her butt and he caressed her there, his fingers gathering up the fabric of her skirt the slightest bit. If he didn’t watch it he’d flash the man her thong underwear and she couldn’t have that. “Got a little carried away there.”

“Are you ready to go?” the man asked, sending them both a pointed look. One that said keep your hands to yourself.

What a spoilsport.

Heat spread across Natalie’s cheeks and she disentangled herself from Noah’s grip, making sure there was plenty of distance between t

hem. She could hardly look at him she was so embarrassed. Her legs were shaky and her lips tingled, all from one stupidly awesome kiss. Tossing her head back, she started to walk, only to have Noah grab her hand and stop her.

“You upset by the kiss?” he asked, his mouth right at her ear, his hot breath wafting across her neck.

She jerkily shook her head. “N-no.”

“Good.” He paused, his teeth nipping at her earlobe, making her suck in a harsh breath. “Because I can guarantee that’s going to happen again. Soon.”

Oh. My. She couldn’t bother to utter a word of protest.

Not that she wanted to.

Well, holy fuck. Noah had no idea he could be so affected by a little kiss. And in his world, what he and Natalie just experienced should’ve been just that—a little kiss. A simple kiss. Nothing major. Lips pressed together, tongues curling around each other. He’d done it countless times. Hundreds of times, too many to count. No big deal.

But it was a big deal. He kissed her and everything faded. She parted her lips and he slid his tongue in her mouth, and boom. It was like a thousand fireworks exploded inside of him, lighting him up from the inside, setting him ablaze. He wanted more. He wanted her, naked and writhing beneath him.

Problem was, he forgot they were in the middle of a hallway in a very public casino on a hot Friday night in Las Vegas. Anyone could’ve seen them. A few years ago he wouldn’t have given a shit. He’d been all about the public display. He believed himself—and his band members—untouchable. They could do whatever the hell they wanted, wherever they were.

Until their record label came down hard on them. They didn’t mind the rebel bad boy image Wilde & Wicked was going for, but when it involved constant boozing and drugs and womanizing, which led to fucked up performances that ended in bad press, they had to put their foot down.

So Noah had straightened up, along with the rest of the band. But now they were slipping again. Drinking too much. Drugging too much. Partying all the time with a bevy of women. Noah couldn’t take it. He’d cleaned himself up, wanted to act like a mature adult with a successful business instead of a strung out kid who only cared about drugs and women.

His bandmates accused him of bringing everyone down, especially his brother. It was bullshit. His manager wanted him to go solo. Hell, he wanted to go solo, but something about it didn’t feel right. He didn’t want to let down his fans, didn’t want to create any backlash. It was all getting to him, eating him up at night so bad he’d acquired a horrific case of insomnia. He refused to take any medication for it too.

Noah desperately needed a distraction. So at the first opportunity to get away from everything, he’d accepted Declan’s invitation to a weekend in Vegas, which made no sense considering he ran away from debauchery to the city known for scandal. Yet here he was.

In Sin City with the prettiest little blonde he’d ever laid eyes on. And the sweetest ass he’d ever been fortunate enough to touch.

More than anything, he wanted to take her back to his suite and get her naked. But she didn’t want to do that, at least not at the moment. No, Natalie wanted to gamble. She wanted the full Vegas experience, she told him as they entered the high rollers room.

He planned on giving it to her.

“I’d rather play the machines,” she said as she plopped her pert ass on a stool in front of a slot machine that had a minimum one hundred dollar bid. Her eyes widened as she read the dollar amounts, and she turned that big gaze onto him. “Um, where are the dollar slots when you need them?”

Noah burst out laughing and shook his head. Damn, she was cute. Innocent and sweet and not willing to gamble away his money, which blew his mind. Guess he’d been hanging out with too many greedy women.

“Welcome to the high rollers, sweetheart. You won’t find a dollar slot anywhere around here. I don’t think you’d find one out on the main floor either. Vegas doesn’t seem to believe in dollar slots anymore.” It was go big or go home all the damn time in this city.

She pouted, pursing those sexy lips together in a move that had him sweating. Those lips tasted damn good only a few minutes ago. He wanted another go at them.

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