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Wild Nights (Vegas Nights 3)

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“I was…very naïve,” she admitted, pushing the hot fudge sundae bowl away from her. She’d had enough. The ice cream—and their conversation—was sobering. “Sheltered. My parents didn’t let me do anything. They had very strong beliefs.”

“Pretty religious?” he asked.

Natalie shrugged. “Nothing too outrageous. We went to church every Sunday and Mom sings in the choir. I went to youth group meetings and summer camp sponsored by our church.”

“That sounds pretty religious.”

Noah was right. It did. She tried to pretend her parents weren’t so bad, and they always meant well, but she knew they kept her totally sheltered. She’d been clueless all through high school, not comfortable around boys, constantly having lots of unrequited crushes. Finally she’d received her first kiss from her senior prom date and it had been such a disappointment. Lots of thrusting tongue and slobber.


She lost her virginity when she was in college. Twenty-one and drunk off her ass after a night out at a bar with a group of friends, ready to just get rid of it once and for all. So she recruited a friend and it had been awkward and weird and their friendship fizzled out afterward.

Natalie concluded she was really bad at that sort of thing.

“Fine, you’re right. They were crazy religious.” She dropped her head and blew out a harsh breath, feeling lame for even admitting it.

“I’ve met lots of girls like you,” he said, his voice so deep she glanced up, meeting his gaze. “And they were all extra…repressed.”

“Uptight and boring, you mean?” she asked, heavy on the snark. She was ready to leap from this chair and walk. Tonight wasn’t turning out like she planned at all. Where were her friends? Why wasn’t she making the most of this evening with freaking Noah Wilde? Why were they having such a serious conversation?

He actually scoffed. “Not even close. More like they went a little…wild.”

She smiled at the play on his name. “I’m sure all the women go wild for you, Noah Wilde.”

He returned her smile. “Some I have to work a little harder. Take them gambling. Buy them ice cream.”

Her smile faltered. Was he saying he wanted to get wild with her? They’d kissed and his lips had blown her mind, but she thought that was just him. He was flirtatious. He probably kissed lots of women and thought nothing of it.

“What are you saying, Noah?”

Blinking, his expression turned serious. “I’m sayin

g that I like you, Natalie. I like you a lot. And I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my hotel suite with me.”

“For the night?” she squeaked, wishing she could roll her eyes at herself. Could she sound any more ridiculous?

The grin was back in full force, nearly blinding her in its intensity. Lord, the man had a beautiful smile. “If you’re up for it.”


“Just say yes, Nat.”

“Yes,” she blurted out, before she did something stupid.

Like refuse him.

It was the longest elevator ride known to man. And the most crowded. The hotel had five towers, thousands of rooms, and it felt like everyone who was staying at the hotel was in this particular elevator. The car was crammed full, most of the people young, drunk and big fans of Wilde & Wicked.

Meaning Noah was standing in an elevator full of people who were blown away that he was in their presence.

Usually he loved it. Soaked it up like he was a sponge and they were water. Not tonight. Not when he had sweet Natalie clinging to his arm, her warm, curvy body nestled close to his side. He wanted to get her alone and quick. Before she had second thoughts and bolted on him.

He swore at one point he was losing her. And he lost no woman. But this one? She played hot and cold. She called him out on his crap. She knew how to have fun without needing a lot of attention. She tried to pay him back. And she loved to eat ice cream, not worrying about how many calories was in it or how bad dairy was for her digestive system.

Yes, he’d heard it all and it all bored the shit out of him. For Natalie to think he found her boring? Far from it. He found her refreshing. Sweet.


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