Under My Umbrella (Fated 1) - Page 18

“Well you’re the one with a man so quit your bitching.”

Jenna felt immediately contrite. She knew her friend had to be lonely. Morgan had been single longer than Jenna had and they’d enjoyed nothing more then getting together and lamenting their horrible dry spells.

She should ask Brett if any of his fellow firefighters were single and as hot as he was. She’d fix Morgan up with one of them in a quick minute.

Ugh. Yet again, her thoughts circled right back to Brett. She had it bad.

She really, really hoped it wasn’t a one-sided feeling.

“Whatever happened to that guy you talked to on the Internet?” Jenna snapped her fingers again and again, trying to conjure up his name. “Don? Dan?”

“Doug,” Morgan answered, her lips thinning. She picked up her drink, polished off almost half of it in one swallow before she slammed it down on the table. “I don’t talk to him anymore.”

“Why not?” She thought they had a good thing going, were even planning on meeting in person. And she hadn’t given Morgan a hard time over finding someone over the Internet. She couldn’t judge. Especially now that she was involved, in over her head more like, with some random guy she met on the street.

Something unrecognizable fluttered in the pit of her stomach, and she frowned. Was she a complete slut for falling so fast for this guy? Did he find her amusing, just an easy lay to use and abuse until he grew tired of her? She bet all Brett had to do was don the uniform and he’d have women swarming over


Was she just another uniform-addicted groupie he’d set aside eventually, ready to move on to a new one?

Oh God, she hoped not.

Jenna couldn’t help but find it kind of hypocritical that Morgan gave her grief over Brett when she found no problem spilling all of her secrets to some dude over the web. A guy who could’ve been anyone or anything, who might’ve lied like crazy just to get in her pants.

But Jenna couldn’t judge her friend. Not that Morgan judged, she just…worried too much.

Besides, Jenna judged herself harshly enough for the both of them.

“He got weird on me. Like almost stalker weird and I freaked out.” Morgan shrugged. “Good thing I gave him a fake name and my rarely used email address that he can’t trace.”

“Dang, Morgan, done this before have you?” Jenna shook her head. Morgan went to a lot of trouble trying to find a guy when she should just let it happen.

But no way could she tell Morgan that. Her friend was a planner. She had everything mapped out just so. It made Jenna want to yank out her teeth with pliers, just thinking of those many plans.

“You can’t be too careful these days, even with Internet dating. Hell, especially with Internet dating. It’s a weird world out there.”

“No kidding.” Jenna swirled her straw in her drink, her appetite gone and she’d only eaten one pitiful chip slathered in dip. She hadn’t had much of an appetite since she started seeing Brett. She’d probably even lost weight. Giddy lust proved to be a great diet.

Better be careful though, she didn’t want to totally lose her butt.

The thought made her smile despite her lingering worry.

“You’re thinking about him right now, aren’t you?” Morgan pointed an accusing finger in her direction.

Jenna immediately frowned. Guilty as charged. “Fine, I’m thinking about him. Is that such a crime?”

“Yes, when you look so happy and dreamy-eyed, it’s a total crime.” Morgan shook her head, her hand dropping to her lap. “I’m just jealous, ignore me. I’m happy for you, Jen. He sounds like a good guy despite you not having known him long enough to feel this way.”

“Gotta get that last jab in don’t you?” But Jenna wasn’t mad. She was surprised that her friend was being so supportive. Well, supportive for her. Which made her think being with Brett was even more right than she originally thought.

Right? Oh God, the sudden doubt wouldn’t let her go.

She wished she could see him. Reassure herself that everything was going smoothly. What would happen if she dropped by the fire station? It was still early, and if he wasn’t there, then she’d go home.

“I can clearly see you’re not into this tonight.” Morgan smiled faintly. “You should call him.”

“Oh, I couldn’t leave you like this. That’s like breaking the girlfriend code or whatever.” Jenna waved her hand as if dismissing Morgan’s suggestion but she couldn’t help the little kernel of hope that formed within her at the thought of seeing Brett tonight.

Tags: Karen Erickson Fated Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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