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Game for Trouble (Game for It 2)

Page 52

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“We split up,” Nick answered grimly. Hell, he didn’t know what else to say. How can two people who were never really together break apart? He still couldn’t believe he’d confessed everything, come clean with her, and she still pretty much tossed him out on his ass.

Well, he could believe it. He looked like a jerk for what he did. But his blackmail scheme had quickly turned into something else. Something real. Brought all of those old dormant feelings he had for Willow roaring back to the surface.

He was in love with her. And she hated him. Still blamed him for their split, even though her father had played a heavy hand in their demise.

That hurt. And pissed him off. Though really the only person he could be angry at was himself.

“Now I have to rescind that press release. Hell.” Harvey ran a hand through his hair though not a strand fell out of place. “Well, that’s a damn shame but seriously? She was never the one for you. Too bossy, too tough. You were a miserable son of a bitch the entire time you were with her.”

Nick wanted to plow his fist into Price’s smug face. Christ, he was an asshole. “How do you even know how long I was with her? Never mind, it doesn’t matter.”

“Take Aubrey. She’s more than willing to go, I’m sure.”

“I am not taking that sweet girl to go meet my parents under false pretenses. Hell no.” Nick shook his head.

“Listen.” Harvey glanced around, making sure no one was paying them any attention, and no one was. Players tended to scatter when Harvey was in the locker room. “I think the two of you would make a fabulous, for real couple. Give her a chance.”

Nick scrubbed a hand across his jaw, suddenly weary with all the bullshit. Beyond weary. More like completely intolerant. “Did Aubrey put you up to this? Is she crushin’ on me or something?”

“Of course not.”

“Then stop. Just stop with the matchmaking or whatever the hell you want to call it. Makes no damn sense, Harvey. You get Jared and Sheridan hooked up and now you think we all need someone by our side? I don’t get it.”

“I think she’s sweet and funny and would tolerate your ass. Much easier than Willow Cavanaugh,” Harvey sneered.

“Say one more bad thing about her and I’ll knock you on your ass,” Nick threatened, his voice tight.

“Whoa, sorry there, tiger. Didn’t realize you still had a thing for her.” Harvey shook his head.

“It’s only been a few days, asshole. Of course I still have a thing for her.” He blinked. Hard. Damn, he would always have a thing for her.

Why did it take him this long to realize it?

“But why?” When Nick cocked his hand back, ready to sock Harvey in the mouth, the publicist threw his hands up in front of him. “I’m only asking because the entire time you two were secretly together, you were a grump. The fans were concerned. They missed their happy-go-lucky Nick.”

Letting his arm fall to his side, he thought about what Harvey said. He’d been a grump because at first, the sexual frustration was getting to him. Then, Willow herself started getting to him. Until finally, he flat out missed her when he didn’t have her around.

Damn it, he wanted what Jared and Sheridan had. He wanted Willow at the games, giving him a good luck kiss before he ran out to the field, cheering him on. He wanted her tough as nails and full of sass, or soft and sweet and sexy as hell in his bed. More than anything, he wanted her to trust him that he’d never screw it up.

“You know what’ll make me happy?”

Harvey’s eyes lit up. Nick would bet a million dollars he thought he had the answer. “What?”

“Having Willow by my side, as a permanent part of my life. That’s the only thing that would make me truly happy,” Nick said grimly.

“Not even a potential Super Bowl win could cheer you up? I have a feeling we’re going all the way. It’s looking good so far.”

Speculation was high and they still had two playoff games to go. Nick believed deep in his heart it could happen, too, but he refused to even talk about the possibility for fear of jinxing them. He was superstitious as hell. They all were. “There’s a lot of time between now and the freaking Super Bowl, Price. So stop talking like that.” Shaking his head, he turned away from Harvey, dismissing him without a word.

After he changed he fled the locker room, acknowledging no one, not even Jared. He wasn’t in the mood to talk. He wasn’t in the mood for anything but Willow and since that wasn’t going to happen any time soon, he was headed home. To the shitty condo he owned nearby with the lacking furniture, the blank walls, and the giant TV. He’d watch some SportsCenter and go to bed because…yeah.

That’s all he had

now. And wasn’t that pitiful as shit?

“Hey Nick, can I talk to you?” called a voice from behind him as he headed out to the parking lot.

Nick inwardly groaned. He’d recognize that voice anywhere. “Not now, Foley. I’m in a hurry.”

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