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Game for Marriage (Game for It 1)

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He studied her. She looked damn pretty in the short, strapless, sparkly dress. Though it also made him want to grab a blanket and cover her completely. She had a great body, there was no denying it. Tiny waist, perfect breasts that weren’t overblown, a look he really didn’t like anyway. And then there was her ass…

Well. He was an ass man, always had been. And hers was pretty spectacular.

Those golden brown eyes were wide, fathomless, and the expression on her face was clear as day.

She was scared out of her ever-lovin’ mind.

“I have an idea.” He drew his thumb across the top of her hand and she gasped. “First, you’re going to have to stop reacting like that every single time I touch you.”

“I—I’m not used to it. You touching me.”

“Well, you need to get used to it. I’m your husband.” He touched the giant diamond that glittered on her ring finger, smoothing the pad of his thumb over the top of the cool stone. She inhaled sharply, her obvious reaction pissing him off. “How do you expect everyone to believe we’re together if you’re going to keep acting like this?”

Sheridan pressed her lips together. “I’m sorry. I can’t help myself.”

“You need to relax.” He paused. “I think I know how to help with that.”

“By all means, please show me,” she said, the tiniest bit of sarcasm edging her voice.

That meager display of defiance sort of turned him on, sick bastard that he was.

Yanking on her hand, he hauled her in close, so close she sprawled across his chest, her free hand braced against his shoulder, her face in his. “What are you doing?” she squeaked.

He cupped the back of her head. “This,” he murmured just before he settled his mouth on hers.

Oh, God. The moment Jared kissed her she wanted to melt. Just melt into him until she completely disappeared, and then their plan would go up in smoke.

Where’s your new wife? the reporters would ask.

I melted her with my lips! Jared would cheerily reply.

Yes, she was that much of a goner. But the man could kiss, his warm, smooth mouth moving over hers, sucking her lower lip between his. One big hand tangled in her hair, his grip possessive as he held her to him.

He didn’t give her a chance to talk, let alone breathe for more than two seconds. Breaking the kiss, he changed the angle of his head, catching her mid-shuddering exhale, her lips still parted. His tongue sneaking in…

And, oh God help her, that made her melt even more. His tongue searched her mouth, his muscular arm coming around her, holding her in place. He was hard everywhere. Big muscles, wide chest, he was built like a…

Football player.

If that didn’t make her belly quiver with arousal, then she was made of stone. Which she so wasn’t. Because yes, indeed, her belly was quivering, her pulse was pounding, and her breasts ached for him to touch them.

All because of a single wild, hot, delicious kiss.

Good lord, if they carried on much longer…

The car came to a stop and he released her, his arms going wide, his breathing uneven. She backed away from him, her butt landing on the leather seat with a thump. Her gaze meeting his, she realized she couldn’t speak, her heart pounded so heavily in her throat. She swallowed past it, rubbed her lips together and discovered they tingled.

Her entire body tingled.

“There ya go,” he murmured, his gorgeous blue eyes glowing with unmistakable approval. “That’s the look you need.”

“What look?” Composing herself as best she could, she grabbed her tiny purse and snapped it open, pulling

her compact from within. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, shock and horror coursing through her. She looked crazed. All those hours of preparation ruined by one hot kiss. “Oh my God, my hair’s a mess.”

“Hmm, like your man just ran his fingers through it?”

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