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Game For Tonight (Game for It 3)

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Of course, he’d make sure she received her pleasure, as well.

Glancing up, he saw Aubrey walking through the door that led onto the terrace. Her gaze met his, warm and sexy and inviting. The smile on her lush lips, which he’d tasted only a few minutes ago, was equally warm, sexy, and inviting. His blood heated at the memory, and anticipation hit him hard.

He smiled as Aubrey approached. “Hey.”

“Sorry I took so long.” She looked flustered. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were a little wild as they darted around the terrace. “I got stuck talking to everyone.”

“Considering that’s what you’re paid to do, I’m not surprised.” He wanted to touch her. Push her hair away from her forehead, stroke his fingers down her soft cheek. She did something to him other women had rarely, if ever, done before.

Made him want. Her.

She stopped looking around, her gaze meeting his, and her smile softened. “You’re very sweet.”

“You think so?” He did his best to fight the snarl that entered his voice. How he hated being called sweet. It all went along with his wholesome, aw-shucks persona. He was to blame for most of it. He’d cultivated the image big-time. If he couldn’t draw attention to his football skills, then why not play up the golden-boy image?

“Well, yeah.” She frowned, probably since she’d detected that edge in his voice. “Is that a bad thing?”

Problem was he was embedded so deep with that good-boy image, the media was just waiting for him to mess up. Do something wrong. Do something…bad. They used to follow him everywhere. He’d hardly been able to drink a beer last summer without them writing an article stating he’d gotten sloppy drunk and then posting it all over the Web.

But damn, the facade was hard to maintain. He was just a man, after all. A man who had urges, who had faults and made mistakes, like every other guy out there.

“Sometimes, yeah,” he admitted, happy when Aubrey’s frown disappeared, replaced with a sly smile.

“I could help you with that,” she murmured, stepping closer. “You could let your walls down with me. Privately.”

Okay, he liked the sound of that. What was wrong with spending a little private time with a woman? He shouldn’t worry about letting loose and having a little fun. It was expected. Normal, even. Plenty of his teammates were out with a different chick every single night, and no one gave them any trouble for it.

Of course, none of them had his saintly image. He was beyond ready to get rid of the halo that clung to him once and for all. His dad would probably kill him.

And he really didn’t care.

“You ready to go?” he asked, approaching her so he could take hold of her arm. She was so slender, his fingers actually met as they curled around her wrist.

“Definitely.” She sounded eager, her eyes wide and full of wonder, as though she couldn’t believe she was actually going to leave with him.

“Then, let’s get out of here.” He let go of her arm to take her hand, interlacing their fingers together. He hauled her in close to him, and her body collided with his.

Her light floral scent teased his senses. That sweater dress was giving him all sorts of fantasies, and, damn, if he didn’t want to strip it off and examine all of those right places most thoroughly with his hands and tongue.

“Where do you suggest we go?” She sounded breathless, which he liked. A lot.

“My place.” The paparazzi had haunted his front doorstep last season, but now they left him alone. He didn’t miss them. “Did you drive here?”

“No, my car is at the stadium. ” Which was back in San Jose.

“Good. You’ll ride with me.” He slipped his arm around her waist, squeezing her close as they exited through the gate of the patio and started heading down the sidewalk to where his vehicle was parked.

Damn, she was soft and curvy. The sweater dress she wore clung almost lovingly to her shape, made him want to slip his hands beneath and find out just how soft

she really was. He couldn’t wait to touch her. See her. Naked.

This was going to be a long drive.

Chapter Three

The minute Flynn and Aubrey entered his giant house via the garage, he had her pinned against the wall, right next to the door. The room was dark, no lights were on, but she could tell it was the kitchen. Stainless-steel appliances gleamed in the dim light cast by the full moon shining through the window over the sink. It also cast the man looming in front of her in a silvery glow, touching his hair, his cheekbones, his firm, strong jaw. He looked…determined.

Very, very determined.

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