Game For Tonight (Game for It 3) - Page 49

Easy. Peasy.

Her stomach turned, and she swallowed hard, fighting off the wave of nausea that threatened.

Yeah. She could pretend to fall asleep on the plane. That would avoid conversation for sure. She could totally do this.


“You okay?” Flynn reached out and tucked a few strands of silky hair behind Aubrey’s ear, brushing his fingers against her neck as he withdrew his hand. They were sitting next to each other in the back of the plane, and she’d been extraquiet since takeoff.

Whereas he was extra–keyed up, his blood still pumping full of adrenaline. That game had been amazing. Life altering. He felt like he could do anything, conquer any team, hold his own with Nick-fucking-Hamilton and Jared-fucking-Quinn.

Who knew a few minutes back on the playing field, during one of the most important games of the season, could change him so much? Reporters had thrust their mics in his face the moment the game had finished. Camera flashes blinding him, all of them shouting his name, wanting to ask him how he felt about the game, what was going on with Quinn’s shoulder, and would he play in next week’s matchup?

Not one question about his sex life, about Aubrey, none of that. It was awesome. He was being recognized for what he could do, not who he was doing.

He was on top of the world. With the respect of his teammates and coaches and Aubrey sitting by his side, he’d never felt so satisfied. He could even forget his earlier worry over Aubrey being a distraction. At least for tonight.

Yet something was bugging Aubrey. She’d been acting differently from the moment he’d first seen her after the game. Very…distant. She’d congratulated him, hugged him, and kissed him and said all the right things, but she’d been off. That normal light that glowed from within her hadn’t been shining in her eyes.

So what the hell was going on? Was she mad that he was getting the attention and it had nothing to do with her?

No way. She wasn’t that type of girl. He knew it deep in his heart that she was happy for him, that she wanted only the best for him.

“I’m just tired,” she finally said, offering him a soft smile. “It’s been a busy weekend.”

“I’ll say.” Leaning in, he gave her a quick kiss. Immediately his body wanted more, but he tamped down the urge. “Take a nap.” He didn’t want her to take a nap, he wanted to talk with her. Plan with her. But if she wasn’t feeling up to it, he couldn’t force her to do anything.

“I’m trying.” She shrugged. “I have a hard time sleeping on planes. I’m too uncomfortable most of the time.”

He lifted up the armrest between them and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. “Lean your head on me,” he suggested, loving how perfectly she fit next to him, her body snug against his. “Relax.”

Aubrey did as he requested, resting her head on his chest and her arm on his thigh, her hand lightly gripping his knee. He stiffened beneath her touch, told himself not to react, but it was difficult.

She looked at him, and his body reacted. She touched him, and his body most definitely reacted. He couldn’t help it. Aubrey aroused him. All the time.

“You smell good,” she murmured as she rubbed his thigh lightly. “I can hardly keep my eyes open.”

Yeah, and with her saying things like that, all he could do was sit there and plot how he might kiss and touch Aubrey without anyone noticing. His entire body went rigid at her softly spoken words, the way she touched him. She made him straight-up crazy.

Look at him, ready to jump her, not caring if anyone was paying attention or not.

A flight attendant went by, and he touched her arm to stop her. “Could you bring us a blanket, please? My girlfriend is trying to sleep.” It gave him a secret thrill to call Aubrey his girlfriend. He liked saying she was his.

He wondered if she felt the same.

The flight attendant flashed him a smile and nodded. “Right away, Mr. Foley. Let me grab a blanket for your girlfriend, and I’ll be right back.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” Aubrey protested the second the flight attendant left.

“It’s no problem.” Plus he had ulterior motives. A blanket draped over them meant no one would know what they were doing. It was a different atmosphere on the plane, compared to a few days ago. Everyone was happy, but they were also tired. So that meant less conversation. Nick looked sacked out a few rows ahead of them, and Willow’s head was leaning against Nick’s shoulder in a position mirroring Aubrey’s.

No distractions. No chatting with friends. Perfect.

“Here you go.” The flight attendant returned, smiling as she handed over the dark blue blanket.

“Thanks.” Flynn took it from her and shook it out, laying it over Aubrey and himself. He studied her, watching carefully as she opened her eyes and gave him a little smile that sent a zap of electricity straight to his heart. When she looked at him like that, he felt like he could conquer anything. Including her. “Is that better?” he asked.

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024