Melt With You (Fated 4) - Page 4

“Yeah. I was wondering…” They stopped in front of the employee only door that led outside. “If maybe you’d be my best man in the wedding?”

“Well, yeah. Of course I will be.” Wes had the overwhelming urge to hug his friend. And he wasn’t what anyone would call the demonstrative type. “I’d be honored.”

“Great. I’ll tell Morgan she can scratch that question off the list.”

“Oh man, she’s making you keep a list?”

They both started to laugh just as a slender nurse strode by. Wes did a double take, his laughter dying in an instant. “That was her.”

“Who?” Evan looked confused.

“My nurse, dumbass. I gotta go.” Wes didn’t even wait for Evan’s response, just started heading after Lanie.

Her stride was quick, her shoes squeaking on the clean floor. Her golden brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, and it bobbed with her every step. Her hips swayed, the sweet bubble of her ass—even in boring scrubs—keeping him mesmerized.

She had a walk that would make any man drool, and he couldn’t help but wonder just how shapely those legs were beneath the scrubs.

Could just imagine those legs wrapped around him while he slid inside her tight, wet heat…

“Lanie.” She didn’t turn around when he called her name and he quickened his steps, gaining on her. “Lanie.”

Still she didn’t turn, and he ran the last few feet until he was directly behind her.

He tapped her on the shoulder with the tips of two fingers and she whirled around on a gasp, nearly knocking into him.

“You scared me.” She stumbled and he caught her by the elbow, only then noticing the white ear buds in her ears.

“Sorry.” Touching her in such an impersonal way, he wouldn’t think he would have such a strong visceral reaction.

But he did. It was like molten lava flowed through his veins, hot and thick. He didn’t want to let go. In fact, he didn’t, using his concern as pretense for keeping his fingers wrapped around her slender arm.

She blew his fantasy by jerking out of his touch and giving him a death stare.

Those pale blue eyes were as cold as ice tonight. Whereas the last time he saw her, they’d been warm and friendly, her gaze full of interest and even a hint of amusement.

He threw his hands up in a defensive gesture. “Hey, I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“What? No.” She jerked one of the buds out of her ear, and he heard the distorted music coming from it. Wished suddenly he knew her music preferences. “I didn’t hear you approach.”

“I can see that. Now.” He grimaced, feeling like an ass. Her eyes really hadn’t warmed up, and she kept looking to her right. As if she wanted to escape. “Sorry. I’ll leave you alone.”

He started to turn but she shot out an arm at the last minute, her fingers stopping him by resting on his forearm. “No, I should apologize. I was—rude.”

“No harm, no foul.” If he could lean into her touch he would, but he restrained himself. Didn’t want to look like a total fool.

Damn she was tempting.

“Listen.” She took a step closer, her gaze meeting his, her expression determined, one delicate eyebrow lifting. “Do you have a spare couple of minutes? I’d like to—talk to you.”

Was his every dream coming true? The ice in her eyes had thawed substantially, and she was nothing short of direct which he found infinitely arousing.

He tried for nonchalance with a shrug. “Sure. What’s going on?”

“Great.” She took hold of his wrist and led him down the hall. “Follow me.” Lanie kept hold of Wes’ wrist and practically dragged him down the hall, her mind racing with possibilities. What was she doing? Where was she taking him? What was she going to do with him once they got there?

She honestly didn’t know.

On her break, listening to the newest playlist she’d created from her iTunes library, she hadn’t been paying attention when he’d snuck up and scared the wits out of her. At first sight of his handsome face, she’d been filled with anger. Frustration. Why did someone so good looking have to be such a…cad?

Tags: Karen Erickson Fated Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024