Melt With You (Fated 4) - Page 8

the lurch. He deserves it.”

The more Lanie thought about his jeans bunched at his ankles and his cock between her lips, the better the idea sounded. God, she had issues. Serious, strange, out of control issues that she never even knew existed.

She grabbed her drink and drained half of it before she set it back on the table. As if in a trance, she stood, straightening her shoulders, pushing the hair out of her face before she started over to where Wes stood. She could hear Aimee hooting and hollering, but she ignored her.

Lanie ignored everyone and everything until all she saw was Wes.

She headed toward him, a defiant lift to her chin and a sexy glimmer in her eyes that had his entire body stiffening with need, particularly below the belt. He’d been perfectly happy enjoying the Monday night football game, drinking a couple of beers and munching on appetizers, talking stats and which teams had the potential to go into the playoffs. Evan was there, too, making a rare appearance since the dude was all about spending time with his woman lately.

Wes was starting to get it—sort of. Ever since that moment in the closet, she was all he could think about. The soft, sweet taste of her, the dip of her waist, the way she pressed against him in the dark, tiny closet, the sexy little sounds she made…

He’d walked away from her like a damn fool. But all that talk about bad boys and wanting had rubbed him wrong. Was that what he was reduced to amongst his coworkers? Just some idiot who’ll fuck anything with tits, even in a supply closet at the goddamn hospital?

That’s why he’d walked away. Oh, he was a sensitive little pansy and he wanted to kick his own ass for even thinking like this but he’d had his precious little feelers hurt.

That night, lying in his cold, empty bed, thinking of the warm, willing woman he could’ve had in it, left him filled with regret.

He’d avoided her at work, not that it had been hard—he’d been so busy. No way could he avoid her, not with her coming right at him, her stride determined, her pale blue eyes full of fire. He disentangled himself from the group, needing a little distance.

“Hi.” She stopped in front of him and rested her hands on her hips.

Hips he wanted to grip and yank her body against his…

“Hey.” Fuck it all. He had no idea what to say next. He was an idiot.

“Funny running into you here.” She smiled and flicked her hair over her shoulder, thrusting her chest out toward him. Quintessential flirtatious behavior and he reacted like the dog he was, his gaze dropping to her breasts. From what he could tell she had a spectacular rack.

Not that he cared only for her rack, oh no. She was sassy. She was smart. She was calm under pressure, and she tasted sweeter than any dessert he’d ever indulged in.

“I was thinking the same thing,” he finally said, his gaze lifting to meet hers once more.

She smiled, amusement dancing in her eyes. She knew what sort of effect she had on him. God, he loved a confident woman. “Enjoying the football game?”

“Honestly? It’s kind of boring.” He was a liar. The game had been intense. They were at the start of the third quarter and it was tied up.

“Really?” She smirked. “Maybe we could hang out then. Kill a little time.” Kill a little time? He’d never been propositioned with that line before. “Works for me.”

God he was easy.

“Let’s go.” She flicked a finger toward the door, and he followed.

Like an obedient little puppy.

Chapter Four

She led him outside to the patio area, which was usually packed with people during the spring and summer.

But tonight the wind blew and clouds hung low, dark and foreboding, obliterating any chance to see stars twinkling in the black velvet sky. It was cold but he had a long sleeved T-shirt on and an opened flannel shirt over it. She was dressed accordingly as well, if her pretty charcoal sweater was any indication.

God, he loved a woman in a sweater too. Tonight the woman could do no wrong in his eyes.

He was a complete sucker.

“Are you going to stand over there all night or come closer?” Lanie’s sultry voice carried on the wind, and he watched as she settled her pert little ass on one of the wrought iron benches against the wall. She shivered, probably from making contact with the cold metal.

“Your wish is my command.” With a salute he went to the bench, settling beside her, their bodies smashed close together.

A soft little huff of laughter left her when he slipped his arm around her shoulders. “I didn’t think it would be this easy.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Fated Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024