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Melt With You (Fated 4)

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Until she woke up to him touching her everywhere—and they went at it all over again. Her body still ached in delicious places she didn’t even know existed, and she was a nurse. Oh, and she was running on only a few hours sleep.

She’d never felt better.

“Isn’t that sweet?” The mocking tone in Aimee’s voice told Lanie her friend didn’t take her encounter with Wes seriously. Not that Lanie could blame her. He had a reputation that preceded him. She had known this going in. And it really hadn’t mattered, had only seemed to intrigue her more, as sick as that thought was.

But she didn’t like her friend thinking he was some sort of man whore. She sincerely liked the guy and had a feeling he felt the same about her.

She hoped.

Aimee’s words remained in Lanie’s head the rest of her long and unusually quiet shift. Maybe Wes was this attentive with all of the women he dated. Perhaps he made them fall head over heels in an instant. She could be just one in a string of women who were stupid enough to believe everything he said, everything he did was all about true love.

How she hated self-doubt. It ate at her until she felt as if the night she’d shared with Wes amounted to a whole bunch of nothing.

When she saw him in the distance as she walked through the parking lot after work, leaning against her car like he hadn’t a care in the world, she stiffened her spine, preparing for the worst. The grim expression on his face sent worry radiating through her and she approached her car and him slowly, dreading what bomb he might drop.

Why did she automatically think he was the bearer of bad news? She needed to get over herself.

She also refused to get excited by the way his face lit up when he saw her approach. Or how easily she walked into his arms, how good it felt to be within his strong, secure embrace. Absolutely refused to acknowledge how her toes curled in her shoes and how she wanted to melt into him when he kissed her…

“Tough day?” He settled his hand on the back of her neck and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You’re tense.”

She shrugged, not wanting to admit he was the reason for her tension. “It was a long day.”

“Mine too. Plus, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Me either.” She smiled, pressing her face into his chest as he gave her another rub across her neck. “I’m surprised you’re out here.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged, feeling stupid she even brought it up.

“You didn’t think I was just using you, did you?” He withdrew her from his embrace, holding her at arm’s length while he inspected her as if she’d grown two heads.

“Lanie, what we shared last night was the single most spectacular sexual experience of my life.”

She gaped at him, her mouth going dry at the sincerity in his gaze and she struggled to find words.

“I’m out here waiting for you because I want to see you again,” he continued when she didn’t say anything. “And I was hoping you’d feel the same way.”

“If you want to see me just for sex, that’s okay,” she blurted.

He frowned. “It’s more than sex, what’s happening between us, and you know it.”

“I suppose.” She tried to withdraw from him, but he tightened his grip and drew her back into him.

“There’s nothing to suppose. From the first moment I saw you, I knew.” He murmured the words against her hair.

Her chest tightened. “You knew what?”

“That we were going to be together.” He stroked his fingers through her hair. “It was instant, my attraction to you. It was like my world stopped when I first laid eyes on you.”

“I think you were just happy I showed up before that woman gave birth so you didn’t have to deal with it alone.”

He chuckled. “Well, I won’t deny that but no, that’s not the reason I fell so hard for you so fast.”

They remained quiet for a moment until finally Lanie withdrew so she could meet his gaze. God, what was he saying? He was so confusing. “I should go home.” Or maybe she was the one who was confused.

Leaning down, he pressed his forehead to hers. “Can I go with you?” She smiled, her heart suddenly light. “Do you want to go with me?” His smile matched hers. “Baby, I’d follow you wherever you go. I know this is quick but… I only want to be with you.”

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