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Baby, Don't Lose My Number (Fated 2)

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Not that Mia didn’t know how to give a blowjob, she did, but she’d never been praised for her skills in bed.

Rolling her eyes, she cleared her phone screen and tossed it onto the couch cushion next to where she sat. A few minutes with a handsome man and now she thought about blowjobs. What the hell was wrong with her? Her cheeks warmed when she remembered the way her friends questioned her last night. It hadn’t taken much for them to get her to admit just how good-looking Jake had been. And how he’d asked her to call him.

They both encouraged her to do so, especially Morgan. She’d already texted Mia twice today threatening her with bodily harm if she didn’t do it. Mia had laughed it off, but Morgan was tough. Mia would have to endure an endless stream of nagging if she didn’t go through with the call.

The thought of that alone had her grabbing her phone and once again scrolling through the contact list. Her stomach jumped with nerves, and she inhaled deeply, searching for courage. She rarely called guys. Always waited for them to call her. She told herself she preferred a traditional approach to men and dating and relationships.

It was better than admitting she was a complete wimp.

Mia tucked a stray hair behind her ear, recalling her brief interaction with Jake. When she saw him in the distance and how he first noticed her, she knew without a doubt he was the one with her phone. Her heart had started beating triple time because the man looked like he walked right off the cover of a magazine entitled Hot Guy Just for You.

Not that the magazine existed but she hadn’t been able to stop staring, he was that good looking. Short, golden brown hair cropped close, tall, broad-shouldered and positively bulging with muscles. Clad in a faded T-shirt and baggy shorts, the clothes hadn’t been able to conceal the sheer size of him. He was huge.

She was no delicate flower, and he made her feel downright dainty.

He’s interested, she told herself as she clutched the phone. He wants you to call. You don’t call and he’ll forget about you and you’ll regret it forever.

Determination filling her, she hit the send button and brought the phone to her ear with trembling fingers. It rang once, twice, three times and she pressed her lips together, her finger hovering over the end button. Would she look stupid with a hang-up call? Or even more stupid leaving a voice mail?

The fourth ring and he answered, his delicious voice sending a shiver down her spine. “Hello.”

A combination of relief and nervousness flooded her system and she cleared her throat like an absolute twit. “Hi, Jake, this is uh, Mia.”

“Mia.” His voice deepened, warm like honey, as if he were pleased she called. “I didn’t think you’d call.”

“I didn’t think I’d call either,” she admitted.

He chuckled, the sound of it doing weird things to her already twisted up stomach. “I like your honesty.”

“I’m not the type who calls guys first.”

“So, I’m pushing you out of your comfort zone?”

“Definitely.” And he sounded awfully pleased over it too.

“So, why am I the exception?”

He would have to ask her an embarrassing question like that right at the beginning of their conversation. “Maybe because you told me to call you?”

Now he full on laughed. It was a nice one, the sound of it warming her deep inside. “Have you had a good day?”

Not really. She’d slept in, lain around in bed and watched a cheesy Lifetime movie, then worked on a letter Larry had requested be ready first thing on Monday. Dealt with his text messages and emails, dealt with Morgan’s text messages and avoided a call from her mother.

Just another normal Saturday with one exception—the very phone call she happened to be on.

“It was all right,” she answered vaguely. “How about you?”

“Nothing too exciting going on—” he paused, “—until you called.”

Her skin heated at his words. “You, uh, said you wanted to get together? Maybe?” Nice self-confidence, dork.

“I want to take you to dinner.” His voice lowered even more; she wasn’t sure how that was possible and God, it rippled over her nerve endings, sending delicious little tingles across her skin. “How does seven sound?”

“Tonight?” she squealed, immediately clearing her throat. She sounded absolutely ridiculous. Like no one had ever asked her out on a date.

“Yeah, tonight. Unless you have other plans?”

“Umm, nothing I can’t postpone,” she said, purposely vague.

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