Baby, Don't Lose My Number (Fated 2) - Page 10

It didn’t.

“Thank you for dinner.” She turned to face him after they exited the restaurant, stopping just in front of the wide window that allowed them a glimpse inside the almost abandoned establishment. “It was delicious.”

She’d let him pay, hadn’t even tried to offer to split the bill and he found that refreshing as well. “It was.”

She smiled, her teeth glowing in the soft, neon blue light from the flickering restaurant sign. “You even convinced me to try something new. I never do that.”

He had a feeling she didn’t try a lot of new things. “Glad I could turn you on to something different.”

“You definitely did.” There seemed to be hidden meaning in her words, and he wanted to smile. But he restrained himself.

“Walk you to your car?” He waved toward the parking lot.

“That would be great.”

They headed toward a small silver Jetta, one of the few cars in the lot including his truck. He allowed himself to fall behind a few steps, admiring the view. She walked with an effortless grace, almost as if she floated on air, even across a crappy old asphalt parking lot. The swish of her hips, the bounce of her ass and her legs. He could see those long legs wrapped tight around him as he plunged deep.

And just like that he had a hard on. Nothing he could do about it either because he knew there was no way he was getting in this woman’s panties tonight. She was almost untouchable.

But he was a

patient man. He’d gone this long without a woman. He could go a little longer. Mia would be worth it.

“I want to see you again,” he blurted the moment she stopped by her car. No finesse, no charm, just words spilling out of him like he had no control.

“I would like that.” She shuffled her feet, drawing his attention to the high-heeled sandals she wore and her sexy red toenails. “I, um, well maybe you would be interested in going with me tomorrow? To a barbecue my boss is hosting at his house?”

Jake stood straighter. That sounded serious. And she wouldn’t look him in the eye. What was up with that? “You want to introduce me to Larry?” From everything he’d figured about Larry, he wasn’t much of a fan.

“Well, uh, this is so awkward.” She lifted her chin, her gaze meeting his. “I have a proposition to make you.”

He cocked a brow. “A proposition? Now this sounds interesting.”

“Nothing dirty.” She slapped lightly at his shoulder, the glancing contact sending a bolt of heat straight through him. “I need you to pretend to be my steady boyfriend, like we’ve been going out for months. Just for the afternoon at Larry’s. What do you think?”

“I think.” He paused, his mind coming up with all sorts of ideas, all of them wicked. “I think if you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend then we need to get in some practice first.”

Her brows lowered and she frowned. “Practice? What do you mean?”

“I mean I haven’t even kissed you yet.” Feeling bold, he snatched her hand in his and yanked her close. She fell against him, her hands braced against his chest, her sweet little body molded against his. “Don’t you think we should make sure we’re compatible?”

“I think we’re plenty compatible,” she murmured, her gaze locked on his mouth. As if she couldn’t think of anything else but kissing him.

“Yeah, but it’s best we make sure.” Her gaze met his, wide and so blue and for a moment he lost himself in her eyes. Shaking himself from his Mia-induced trance, he dipped his head. Settled his mouth on hers.

He felt the zing of electricity, the instant connectedness the moment their mouths touched. Her lips parted, and he slipped his tongue inside, tasting her, reveling in her. His head spun, his cock twitched and he settled his hands on her waist. Gripped her there for fear he’d let his hands wander too far and piss her off.

The very last thing he wanted to do was piss this woman off. He liked her too much.

They kissed for minutes, for hours, he wasn’t sure how long. All he knew was he didn’t want it to end. He broke away from her tempting lips to kiss her neck, earning a full body shiver from her and she wound her arms around his neck. Gripped his hair with her fingers.

She liked that. He’d have to remember that for later.

No doubt there would definitely be a later.

Finally, she shoved at his shoulders, as if she needed a little space. Her breath came rapidly, her cheeks were flushed and her mouth was so swollen he could only stare at it. Wished he was still kissing her.

“I think—I think we’re definitely compatible,” she said a little breathlessly.

Tags: Karen Erickson Fated Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024