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Baby, Don't Lose My Number (Fated 2)

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Chapter Seven

“Okay.” Mia swallowed hard, her gaze meeting Jake’s. The warmth she saw there, the emotion, it gave her the courage to finally leave Larry and her job, once and for all. “Let’s go, Jake.”

“You’ll regret this, Mia,” Larry yelled as they exited her office. “I can ruin you, you know. Make sure you won’t find another job. Come back here.”

“He’s such an asshole,” Jake muttered as he grabbed her hand, practically dragging her toward the elevator.

Thank goodness she’d grabbed her purse. She clutched it to her side, her fingers so tight her knuckles stretched white around the leather strap. She still couldn’t get over what happened. One minute, she’d been about to leave her office for the night and then Larry had pushed his way inside. Went right for her, his hands wandering all over her body, groping and squeezing so tightly it hurt. Hot, moist breath heavy in her ear as he whispered words, vulgar, revealing words that told her exactly everything he wanted to do to her. In stunningly graphic detail.

She shuddered, relief filling her when the elevator opened and revealed not a soul within. It had been such a close call with Larry. He’d never done anything like that to her before. Had never behaved in such an overt manner, ever. She swore he’d been drunk. She’d smelled alcohol on his breath.

That was the only explanation for his irrational behavior. Funny how it happened on the very day she received a lecture from her friends.

They’d been right. And she’d been wrong. Thank goodness Jake had showed up when he did. She wasn’t sure what she would’ve done. The entire floor had been virtually abandoned when it all happened. She could’ve screamed her fool head off and most likely no one would’ve heard her.

“Are you all right?” Jake asked, his voice soft, his gaze concerned.

The doors slid shut as she nodded, and he drew her into his arms. Held her close. The reassuring beat of his heart thumped close to her ear, and she turned her face into his chest, breathing deep. Absorbed his fresh, masculine scent.

“I’m so glad you came. Why are you here?” she asked, her voice muffled.

“I wanted to surprise you. Come by and pick you up.” He hugged her closer, so close she almost couldn’t breathe. But she didn’t mind.

He was reassurance. Safety. She clung to him as if he was her anchor and she was drowning. As if she didn’t want to let go.

“You’re shaking,” he whispered. A soothing hand slid up and down her back. “It’s okay. You’ll never have to deal with him again.”

She withdrew from him slightly, stared up into his face. “I—I probably shouldn’t have quit. It’s not like I have another job lined up.”

Jake’s lips tightened when the elevator doors slid open, indicating they were on the ground floor. They exited the elevator without a word, their hands clasped, fingers intertwined. Mia followed behind him as he led her out into the parking lot, not even protesting that she needed to drive her car home.

Her hands were too shaky, her thoughts too scattered to concentrate on driving. Thank goodness Jake was here. Taking care of her. Protecting her.

The drive back to her place was quiet though not uncomfortably so. He seemed preoccupied, and she couldn’t stop reliving the moment with Larry. What had triggered his attack? Why had he come out of nowhere and treated her in such a lecherous manner? She didn’t understand it.

Most likely, she would never understand it.

The moment they walked into her apartment she noticed Jake’s serious expression, the tension in his jaw, the darkness in his eyes. He looked furious. And she knew he wasn’t angry with her. It was all directed at Larry.

“Maybe I should ask if you’re okay,” she gently teased as she shut the door, and he went to her, enveloping her in his arms once more.

“Seeing him with his hands all over you and how helpless you looked…he’s damn lucky I didn’t rip him apart,” Jake admitted.

She should take offense at Jake calling her helpless. It should go against her feminist sensibilities. But she couldn’t find the gumption to get worked up over it and besides, she had felt extremely helpless, struggling to get out of Larry’s hold.

“It’s over,” Mia said, sliding her arms around him. He was so solid, so warm, so big. “And like you

said, I’ll never have to deal with him again.”

Sadness filled her at the thought of not being able to see Morgan and Jenna on a day-to-day basis anymore. She’d have to call them as soon as she could. Knowing how that place worked, word of her encounter with Larry would be all over the building by 7:59 tomorrow morning.

Of course, for all she knew Larry would somehow find a way to keep everything quiet.

“I just wish I had a job,” she murmured, hanging her head. Nerves ate at her insides and she picked at the front of Jake’s shirt. Felt the warmth of his skin from beneath the fabric, easing her.

But only slightly.

“Hey.” Strong, firm fingers curved around her chin and lifted her face so she gazed up into his eyes. “What if I told you I could get you a job?”

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