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Simple Twist of Fate (Fated 3)

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She focused in on the face before her, and she swore time actually stopped. Her hero was drop dead gorgeous. He watched her with dark blue eyes, his mouth curved in the slightest smile. He was making-her-panties-dissolve-and-her-heart-flutter gorgeous, even while her head hurt and blood dripped down the side of her face.

Reaching up, she touched her temple and felt the sticky trickle of blood. Her eyes slid closed, and her stomach roiled. God, there was so much of it…

“You’re okay,” he reassured as he dabbed at the center of her forehead, right along her hairline with some sort of antiseptic that stung like crazy. “All head wounds bleed profusely. It’s not as bad as it looks.”

Which meant she looked really, really bad and he looked really, really good.

She had the worst luck ever.

“You’re going to be okay, right, Morgan?” She opened her eyes to see Don walking alongside the other paramedic who approached pushing a gurney. Don’s expression was hopeful, and he bounced on the balls on his feet. She’d ruined his entire night with her little incident.

She couldn’t help the sizzle of satisfaction that ran through her at the thought.

“I’m okay,” she said, not sure if she meant it. She looked at her hero, the paramedic with the sexy blue eyes and close-cropped dark hair and he nodded. “You can go to your game if you want.”

“I can?” Don sounded like a child who’d just been given his greatest wish.

“Totally.” The last thing she wanted was him hanging around making her anxious and irritating the crap out of her. She didn’t even know this guy.

“Thanks, Morgan. You’re awesome.” She wanted to roll her eyes, but it would hurt too much. “I’ll call you.”

“It’s not necessary,” she said weakly but he didn’t hear her. He was already jogging toward the parking lot.

“Is he your boyfriend?” her hero asked the moment Don was out of earshot.

Morgan tried to shake her head but it hurt too much. “No. Blind date.”

“Good thing. He’s a complete—“

“Jerk?” she offered.

“I was going to say something stronger, but jerk will suffice.” He smiled, and the dazzling sight of it stole her breath. He could slay dragons with that smile. “Can you sit up? We need to get you in the ambulance.”

“I can walk,” she protested, groaning when he helped her into a sitting position. That door had really done a number on her.

“Are you sure? We need to clean you up. Wrap your head and stop the blood before we take you to the hospital.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Nah.” He shook his head with an easy smile. “It’s a definite gash and there’s a lot of blood, but a couple of staples and you’ll be good to go.”

“Staples?” Her stomach pitched violently. That sounded horrendous. They weren’t talking about a pile of paper. This was her head he wanted to—staple.

“You’re going to be okay.”

She wanted to believe him. She really liked looking at him. And when he helped her stand, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, his muscles flexing and bunching as he pulled her to her feet. Tingles scattered all over her skin at his touch, his nearness.

Of course, she was at her absolute worst. Blood streami

ng down her head from a horrible wound and she was a little woozy, a lot in pain and oh yeah, on a date with the biggest jerk on the planet. Not her best moment to shine.

Most likely her hero had a girlfriend. Why wouldn’t he? He was an absolute catch.

And she was an absolute mess.

It really wasn’t her night.

Despite the blood and the obvious date she was on, she was cute. The guy she was with, on the other hand, was a complete asshole. He’d been ready to ditch her from the moment they arrived on scene. All over a frickin’ basketball game—the guy had the balls to inform them he was missing the first half because of what happened the second they piled out of the truck.

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