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Simple Twist of Fate (Fated 3)

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“Oh, it’s been more than one bad date. More like an endless string of bad dates.” Her cheeks turned pink. “I probably shouldn’t be confessing any of this to you.”

“Why not?”

“I’m making myself look worse. And you probably don’t even care to hear about my dating endeavors and how awful they are.” Her entire face was flushed.

He smiled. “You’re cute when you’re all flustered.” There, he said it. He was flirting. If Wes had been there, he would’ve been shocked. He never flirted on the job.

She tore her gaze from his, her teeth sinking into her lower lip—her very plump lower lip. “I must look awful.”

She did look plenty awful but he still thought she was pretty. “I’ve seen worse.”

“Great.” She rolled her eyes but smiled. “That makes me feel so much better.”

“I just put my foot in my mouth, didn’t I?” How long had it been since the last time he was on a date? Did he forget everything he’d ever learned through the years in the care and wooing of a woman?

“Don’t worry, you’re forgiven.” Her eyes sparkled, and he saw it. A flicker of interest, a hint of flirtatiousness in her tone. There was definitely some chemistry brewing between them.

“I appreciate your quick apology.” The truck slowed and swayed when it made a right turn into the ambulance entrance of the hospital. Her eyes widened and she glanced around, a worried expression on her face.

Unable to stop himself he reached for her and grasped her hand. Her fingers were slender, delicate and they trembled in his grip. Squeezing her hand gently, he smiled. “It’s going to be all right. I promise.”

She blew out a harsh breath, trying to calm herself. “It will be. I know it will be, but I’m still…”


“Yeah.” She exhaled again and tilted her head back, her eyes locked on the ceiling. “I’ve never had anything like this happen to me before. I’m sickeningly healthy.”

He chuckled. “This is a minor blip. Next week you’ll be able to laugh about it.”

She looked at him once more. “Do you think it’ll scar?”

Probably. “It’s almost directly on your hairline so no one will notice.”

“It’ll be a scar I can brag about.” She tried to joke, but even her voice was quivery. Her hand still trembled in his. He gave it another reassuring squeeze.

“You can say you got into a bar fight. And you won.”

“I think the door won.”

He laughed. If he was lucky enough maybe he’d be the one who ended up winning.


Chapter Two

Morgan left work early to go to the hospital. She had an appointment with the doctor who had taken care of her almost a week ago. The wretched, horrible little man who had sunk the long, sharp needle into her skull so she wouldn’t feel the staples going in.

She wasn’t exactly sure, but she had a feeling she might’ve preferred the staples to that nee


Her appointment was in the emergency services section so she pulled into the parking lot at the back of the hospital, searching each row for an empty slot. Finally finding one, she pulled the car in, grumbling under her breath at the distance she’d have to walk. The hospital was always packed. It didn’t matter what time of day it was.

Thankfully, the doctor had reassured her the appointment would be quick and she’d be on her way in minutes. Considering it was a Friday, she should be thrilled. Out from work a few hours early and the weekend ahead of her, what could be better?

How about not facing yet another lonely two days by herself? Mia was permanently attached to Jake’s side, and Jenna was going on a special weekend getaway trip with Brett. Considering the guy was a firefighter and rarely got a weekend off, this trip was special and much appreciated on Jenna’s part.

Morgan frowned and got out of the car, shutting the door and hitting the remote so the car locked. She hated feeling sorry for herself. More than that, she hated being so—so jealous of what her friends had. They’d both found great guys in unusual circumstances and had fallen instantly, deeply in love. In like—days. Morgan had been skeptical of both relationships but here they were, still going strong. She had a sneaking suspicion Brett was going to ask Jenna to marry him this weekend.

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