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Simple Twist of Fate (Fated 3)

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Well, almost every detail. She certainly didn’t tell her friend how hot and heavy it had gotten in his truck.

“And so we’re seeing each other tonight. He’s coming over, and we’re going to…hang out.” She really hoped hang out meant have wild and crazy sex.

Lord help her, she was such a slut.

“Hang out.” Mia rolled her eyes. “Is this naked hanging out?”

“Mia.” Morgan glanced around the crowded coffee shop. The three of them met for breakfast or coffee all the time and this was their favorite spot. Too bad Jenna was away for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend. She’d probably eat this news up with a spoon.

“Sounds like it’s happening pretty quickly between you two.” Mia’s brows rose. “

Also sounds sort of familiar, don’t you think?”

“Oh, I don’t want to hear it.” Morgan covered her ears, and Mia laughed.

“You don’t want to hear it because you know what I’m trying to say. See? It can happen to you.”

“Nothing’s happened yet.” Morgan dropped her hands to the table.

“Besides a passionate make out session in his car like a pair of teenagers?”

Morgan’s cheeks were so hot she was surprised they didn’t burst into flame. “Stop.”

“Is he a good kisser?”

Like nothing she’d ever experienced before. “I’m not telling.”

“Which means he was absolutely amazing.” Mia sighed. “There is nothing better than that first kiss. That first connection of lips, the spark and the thrill and the dip in the belly when he takes it a little deeper. Jake kisses me sometimes, and I just want to melt.”

“Only sometimes?”

“Okay, all the time. Still. He makes me happy.” A secret little smile stole across Mia’s face. “And I try my hardest to make him happy too.”

Always, always before Morgan would get jealous. She hated the emotion, hated envying her friends, how she wished she had just a piece of what they experienced with the men in their lives.

For once, she didn’t feel jealous. Not at all.

Morgan frowned. She was so jittery her hands shook and her skin suddenly felt clammy. God, she was nervous.

So nervous. What was she thinking? One date with the guy, one delicious make out moment and she saw permanence and forever after? Had she completely lost her mind?

“You look scared.” Mia slid her hand across the table and settled it over Morgan’s. “What’s wrong? Are you having a panic attack?”

Morgan had never had a panic attack in her life. Jenna lost it once and it had been a sight to behold, right there in the middle of the lunchroom at work. “I don’t know.” She tried to inhale but hardly drew in air. “Maybe I am.”

“Breathe, honey.” Mia squeezed her hand. “It’s just a guy.”

“Exactly. It’s just a guy.” So why did it feel like so much more? Like she was standing on the edge of a vast and wide pool of water and she was this close to tumbling into the deep end?

“You must really like him. What’s his name again? Brett might know him, considering he’s a paramedic. They work together all the time.” Mia whipped her phone out of her purse. “I should text Jenna his name and have her ask Brett if he has any dirt.”

“No.” Morgan shook her head. “Don’t bother her. Please. She’s on her getaway weekend. They’re probably boinking like bunnies as we speak.”

Mia laughed and shoved the phone back into her purse. Thank God. Morgan really didn’t want to know the dirt on Evan. What if Brett really had some? She didn’t want to hear the bad stuff, if there was any.

Right now she was too enraptured with the good stuff.

“They’re probably sleeping off the marathon of boinking they had last night,” Mia said, still giggling. “I bet she comes back with a ring.”

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