Under His Protection (Protect and Defend 1) - Page 32

Because this time, it’s serious. This time, you’re actually getting naked and having sex with this man. And it’s going to mean something to you.

“Blake.” Just the way he said her name made her want to melt to the floor and he slid his fingers beneath her chin, tilted her face up so t

heir gazes met, locked. He watched her carefully, as if gauging the situation and she knew she’d seen that look before. Always when he was analyzing a situation, hard at work and doing his job—protecting her.

“Yes?” She swallowed hard, uncomfortable now that he hadn’t said anything but her name. He stared,, as if he could see straight through her. She wanted to shield herself from him. Not allow him in.

But if she couldn’t let Mason in, who else was there? Who else was important enough to show all her faults, share all of her problems?

“Baby, are you okay? You’re pale.” He touched her cheek, his fingers skimming down, down until they teased the corner of her mouth and her lips parted.

She loved the way he called her baby. Had anyone ever called her baby? She didn’t think so.

Blake wanted to hear him say it again.

“Stop analyzing me,” she whispered, her lips moving against the tips of his fingers. “And kiss me.”

This was the second time she’d asked him to kiss her and this time, he didn’t disappoint. His mouth took hers in a possessive, primal kiss that stole her breath, her thoughts, her everything. His lips were damp and searing hot, his tongue tangling with hers, his hands moving into her hair, clutching either side of her head. She felt consumed, taken over, and she wanted nothing more but to surrender. Give herself to this man, let him do to her what he wanted, what she needed.

“God, you taste sweet.” His husky murmur sounded against her neck once he broke the kiss, his lips blazing a trail of soft kisses on her throat. “And spicy.”

She circled her hands around his shoulders, tugging and pulling on the fabric of his shirt and she suddenly wanted him naked, needed to feel the press of his hot skin against hers.

“Take this off,” she begged and he did, moving away from her for the briefest second to yank the offending shirt off.

And stole her breath.

Good lord, the man was built. She knew this, had seen his naked chest before but never this up close. And oh, yes, it was a yummy, muscular treat all for her eyes, hands and mouth to enjoy.

She reached for Mason, fingers trembling, and when they finally landed on his bare chest, the hiss of pleasure that came from him was unmistakable. Splaying her fingers, she smoothed her hands down, over firm pectoral muscles, through the light patch of dark hair that grew in the center of his chest. Over the washboard stomach that flexed beneath her touch.

Blake glanced up, watching him. His mouth was tight and his nostrils flared with his every exhale. She smiled, her hands drifting farther down until she curled her fingers around the waistband of his jeans. Her fingertips brushed against the warm, lightly furred skin just beneath and his muscles constricted beneath her touch.

She thrilled at the power she held over him.

Mason crowded her, wrapped his hands around her upper arms as he walked her backwards until the back of her knees hit the edge of the mattress. “Lay down,” he said, his voice sandpaper-rough and really, she had no choice. He gave her a light push, sent her toppling back onto the bed and her butt bounced on the cushy mattress.

She watched, hunger clawing at her insides as he stripped for her, revealing slim hips, muscular thighs and an impressive erection straining the front of his dark gray boxer briefs. The pale mid-afternoon shone through the open window, casting a golden glow to his skin and she had the sudden urge to ask him to shut the blinds, draw the curtains.

A few weeks ago, she would’ve strutted around showing all she had, but since they’d arrived on the island, she’d been stuffing her face with junk and she’d gained a few pounds. Added some flab, an extra jiggle and wiggle here and there, especially on her butt and thighs.

Mason, on the other hand, looked like a Greek god carved from pure marble. Sinew and muscle flexing with his every movement, his body defined by the gentle light that filled the room. His dark hair mussed by her hand, the glint in his eyes as he studied her warmed her from the inside out.

“You’re beautiful in this light. Your skin...glows,” he whispered and she forgot all about her hang-ups, her worries over gaining a few pounds. Arching her back and thrusting her chest out, she rested on her elbows amongst the pile of pillows. She drew her knees closer to her chest, her legs curling to the side and she hoped he got a good look at the flash of her bare ass cheeks with that move.

Thank you, thong underwear.

Finally, he joined her, crawling over her like a sleek panther, ready to pounce. She stretched her legs out, sliding them apart to accommodate him and then his face was hovered above hers. They lay chest to chest, so close, his breath wafted across her face. Her lace-covered breasts brushed against him with her every movement.

He pressed her into the bed, bracing his weight on his elbows so that they rested on either side of her head. Her head was cushioned by the plump pillows, her lips parted and ready for his kiss.

She expected his mouth to crash down upon hers, braced herself for the carnal explosion that would follow, but instead he kissed her slowly, sweetly. His lips lingered, learning her texture, his tongue sweeping across her lower lip, feather-light and fleeting. It felt amazing, took her breath away and she sighed, enjoying this show of tenderness, of his utter control.

He didn’t speak but no words were needed. Somehow, sometime when she hadn’t noticed, he’d grabbed a condom. Had he planned all along to seduce her today?

The idea of his actually planning this thrilled her, made her feel even more wanted and she glanced at that wrapped condom, which he tossed onto the bedside table. Knowing that it meant he was going to be inside her. A part of her. Soon.

But first, he had other things in mind.

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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