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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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He polished off his coffee in one long gulp, setting the cup on its saucer with a loud clatter. How was he going to convince Janelle to help him find Ginger?

Face it, Banks you just want to spend time with the sexy twin sister.

It had been a long time, if ever, since he felt like this. His libido on overdrive, his entire being attuned to the woman from the get-go, even though she clearly wasn’t interested.

More like she wanted to bash his head in. The frosty looks should’ve been enough to deter him. But it was as if her negative reaction made him want to pursue her more. And not just to find Ginger either.

Smiling grimly, Nate tossed a ten dollar bill on the table and stood. He needed to get his head out of his ass. Janelle Pearson was strictly off limits. He needed the right approach that wouldn’t make her bolt the next time she saw him. He needed her help.

And he hadn’t needed anyone in a long ass time.

Chapter Three

“I think this is going to work out wonderfully, Janelle. I’m so glad you agreed to assist me with this project.”

Janelle smiled at her boss, ready to bounce out of her seat with excitement. “There’s no way I would turn this opportunity down. I appreciate you considering me for the Passion for Fashion fundraiser.”

“You’ve been with us for almost six months now, and you’ve indicated more than once you want more responsibility. This is your chance to show me what you’ve got.” Marnie smiled, handed Janelle a slim, hot pink folder. “All the information you need to get started is in there, including notes from the planning of the show last year. I’ve emailed you a list of vendors and contacts, as well as budget requirements. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I suggest you get started immediately. We have a lot of work to do.”

Janelle took the folder and stood, her entire body vibrating. She was nervous and happy and sick to her stomach, all at once. “I won’t let you down, Marnie. I’ll make this year’s fundraiser the best it’s ever been.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Marnie’s phone rang and Janelle took that as her cue to exit the office.

She had to press her lips together to muffle the squeal that wanted to escape. Finally, here was her chance to show she could do more than answer phones and file! Her job at the non-profit agency had been a dream come true, an opportunity to get her foot in the door as a lowly receptionist and eventually work her way up.

Now here was her chance to show them she was worth keeping.

Janelle had been nothing but professional her entire work life, which had started when she was fifteen and tired of relying on her slacker mother. Dropping out of high school had been the only option then, though she’d gone back to school at night and eventually earned her GED.

Working menial office jobs the only thing she’d been able to find until six months ago, when she applied for the receptionist position at the local non-profit agency for breast cancer and got the job.

“Janelle.” Marnie’s assistant stopped Janelle just before she headed into the lobby where her desk was located. “There’s a man here to see you. A Detective Banks?”

Janelle’s heart dropped into her stomach, all of her earlier elation dashed. Great, now she had the cop sniffing around her place of work? Was he trying to sabotage her into helping him?

“I’ll take care of it, Theresa. Thank you.” Janelle gave her a curt nod, hoping that Theresa wouldn’t run off and gossip to everyone else in the office. Not that Theresa was a known gossiper, but who knew? Could the detective have said something to Theresa, given away some dirty little detail about her sister?

God, she hoped not.

Ginger had called her last night, briefly. Told Janelle she and her boyfriend had a falling out, and she was working at a new club. When Janelle asked her for the name of the club, Ginger had promptly hung up.


Approaching her desk, Janelle couldn’t help but appreciate Detective Banks’ good looks. Clad in a white dress shirt, red tie and black pants, he looked every inch the driven, stoic detective. The grim, determined expression on his handsome face sealed the deal.

“Detective, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

She kept her tone even, professional, her face a bland mask. No way could she let him or anyone else see the nerves or the rising anger she felt.

He pushed away from the edge of her empty desk, meeting her halfway in the middle of the expansive lobby. “I need to talk to you.”

“I wish you would’ve called first.” She smiled, though it felt more like a baring of teeth.

“Have you talked to Ginger?”

“She called me last night,” Janelle admitted, her voice low. She went to her desk, slapping the folder down with a loud thwack.

“What did she say?” Nate followed her, standing in front of the high wall of her rounded desk.

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